May 17, 2013

ロックバンドでもベースを!! Playing bass for a rock band!

(English below)



Land Diverというバンドで


まだ自分は参加し始めたばかりなので、全然 The Lo-Fiとは違うサウンドだけど、たくさんと音楽に関する価値観が共有できてるので、どんどんと今後は自分のカラーもこのバンドで発信してみようかと!



自分のバンドのThe Lo-Fiには必ず何か持ち帰ってバンドのパワーにしていきたいな。これからのツアーやレコーディングを頑張ります!

------ English ------

Wow... what a day yesterday!! Had to perform a full set with a high fever... very challenging to keep focus. Or hear things accurately.

It's surprising how hard it can get to listen "fast" or "quickly" when your sick.

Anyway, next up is a show with Land Diver.

This is a rock band that I've just joined to help out as a bass player. It's great to have so many bands out there that appreciate your sound, even if your not a native of that genre.

This is the event page for the concert coming up next week.
It's their first show in Tokyo so it should be a very special performance.

The sound is completely different from Lo-Fi, but I'm planning to inject some new approaches to their music to make it a groovy band.

Any band your in, regardless of genre or age and experience, there's always something great to learn from performing with different artists. I'm grateful for their patience and kindness...! Feels great being part of so many interesting projects. I hope I can be the same supportive roles for my band members too.

Always plan to bring back something to my band Lo-Fi.
I can wait to get our recording and tour on track too!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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