May 6, 2013

Golden Week? 少し忙しいのも切り抜けたかな!? Things are starting to wind down...

(English below)


GOLDEN WEEK この一週間は結構忙しい日々が続いていたけど、なんとか今月は切り抜けそうだ。後は音楽関係のライブの準備が連続しているから楽器と向き合う時間にやっと集中できそうだ。


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でなんと、この前プリムローズで一緒に演奏したSHAMANZのパーカッション SONODA KOZIと一緒にジャムします!短い間だけど、まったりとした空間を楽しんでください。


その後はまた池袋のリンゴヤでやっているオープンマイクでベースホストとして演奏しにいきます! こちらは22時までセッションしている予定。



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-------- English ---------

The Japanese "Golden Week" is almost over. I have no idea what makes this series of holidays so "golden". Anyway the other day I just had to go somewhere since I was cooped up inside for so long I woke up and rode all the way to Miura peninsula! Not that I had anything to do there, I sat in a restaurant and worked on set lists, web related work, scores and sheet music, flyer design, rehearsal schedule management, you name it….

Somehow I made it though this busy week without getting sick!

I have seven shows this month, and one is coming up tomorrow the 6th Monday.

The venue is like this shared office space, pretty cool cause it's open to these music event's I'll be hosting there now. I have no idea if we'll keep doing this, but I'm sure it'll be a fun show.

I'm playing with Nori and also Sonoda Kozi from the Shamanz. We played a show together a few weeks ago in Chiba. Great band! Great player!

After the show, I'm heading out again to Ikebukuro to host a jam session at the RINGOYA!

Had a few minutes of time today after visiting the instrument store for a repair consultation….

It's been a while since I've visited the stores to actually play something with my own bass!

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