May 12, 2013

リハーサル続きから、レコーディング。lots of rehearsals and recording

May 13th Mondayに代官山LoopでLisa Halimのベーシストとしてライブをします!



On May 13th at the Daikanyama Loop, I'll be playing bass for Lisa Halim! It's a really special show for me since I really like her lyrics too. Not to be biased or anything but since I help her out with some of the lyrics I guess I do have some insight into the message of her songs.



It's hard to get everything perfect with just one rehearsal but the chemistry between the performers is something that makes each live performance really special!

Really grateful to have so many opportunities these days to jam with so many great players. Hope to keep my chops up so I can play with these guys more.

これはまた別のライブに向けてのリハーサルで、自分がまた積極的に参加しているバンド、Soul Glo。バックバンドとして、色々なシンガーのバンドとして今度5/31にライブをします。

そのサポートするシンガーの1人は自分の高校の後輩、Ohga! こうやって今も付き合いがあるのはスゲー嬉しいね。

Another band I've been devoting a lot of time too was Soul Glo. We're doing a live show on the 31st of May. We're a back band for many great singers. One of them Ohga...! We go back to like high school...! Amazing that we're on the same stage now!

今日はちなみにThe Lo-Fiとか、自分の他のプロジェクトの曲のレコーディングもして、明日もまた朝はから一日レコーディング!なぜか俺のドラムをレコーディング!お楽しみに!

Today I was recording tracks for Lo-Fi and also for some of my other projects...! Here I am at the Onkio Haus again with our awesome engineer Shige!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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