Mar 29, 2013

Bass Liner by HAO 機材をテスト tried out a preamp the other day!

(English below)

先日自分が Inner Bambooのプリアンプをテストした時に一緒に試奏したプリはこれです。

IMG 3129



しかし、eqのオンオフできるのはInner Bambooとは違って便利かと思った。





---------- English --------------

This is a pre amp by HAO that I tested along with the Inner Bamboo Electron preamp I tested the other day.

It sounded great, but a little bit too hi-fi for my tastes.

The high frequency knob on the very right of the preamp deals with ultra-hi frequencies that might be something you look for in guitar when using distorted sounds, but on the bass it was a really "active" pre-amp like sound and maybe because of the new strings, but it was too sharp of a sound for my taste.

Usually on these types of preamps the mid-knob has a frequency adjuster (400hz-3khz) but what I'd really like to see is a low frequency adjuster on these things. The lows are usually the problem when you get into the studio or a stage that doesn't sound balanced. Mids are controllable with the amp and your eq on the bass itself. But sometimes the lows that are too boomy are hard to deal with on smaller stages.

It's a great preamp with lot's of flexibility but like all sounds, there are many different opinions about what people like, so I guess it's best to try one out with your own bass and see how much it meets your requirements.

It do think it's really cool that this preamp, you can turn on an off.. This is a function that the Inner Bamboo pre didn't have. I had to use their sound, no choice! Also the color is really retro and cool looking. Talking about design, ZVEX makes the coolest looking paints on these things I've ever seen! Really funky stuff.


I still haven't had the time to update my board but hope to do that soon so I can introduce it to you all again soon.

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