Mar 5, 2013

もっと写真を掲載! ロースカより! More photos from our show!


今回のライブではHideyuki Takahashiさんに最高の写真を撮って頂きました!



Here are some more photos from our show the other day at the Road and the Sky!

Great photo of my playing by Hideyuki Takahashi! Thank you for the great photo!

IMG 2951


The rest of the photos are blurry photos by yours truly on my iPhone.

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A shot of the dials on the Ashdown in the venue so that I know the settings after sound check. This amp is pretty good for it's size. It's got a funky feature that you might or might not like, where you can turn on sub-harmonics mix into your main sound. It's great for creating a sound that has a very unique character.

IMG 2899


This here's Ao's matchless! It's a monster…. This stack is REALLY loud.. I love it!

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A photo from my drive home… to bad I'm not on the 1098!

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A photo of the canal close to my house. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer…. great riding soon!

IMG 2879

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