Feb 8, 2012

New Album 新しいアルバム

Happy 2012 everyone!
Yes, once again it's been a few eons since we've made our last post.
But we have some great news. Our new Lo-Fi album is almost finished with only two more band recording days to go.
We going to get into some mixing after that and hopefully have the album out in the spring.
The beginning of the year has been pretty busy with us also recording a cover album project brought to us by a friend at a music agency in Tokyo.
We did two shows, one at the Star Lounge in Shibuya and another out in Yokohama at our favorite American/Mexican restaurant "The Road and The Sky".
Our new album should have about ten to twelve songs on it depending on what songs are cut. Well I sure wouldn't want to cut any songs at the moment but I guess we'll have some extensive meetings to make our final decisions.
Sure there are some delays with the art work and printing, but one thing we're confident about is the sound.
Live recording is getting more and more obsolete with so much tech at everyone's dispense, but we made sure we made recordings that were as "live" as possible but at the same time creative enough for lots of repeated listens.
Hopefully some people will like the album as much as we do. Will do our best to get it out with the best quality possible!
1/10は渋谷の Star Loungeでかなや楽しいライブができ、その後は飯が生き返る程美味しい The Road and The Skyでライブを1/22にした。どのライブも特別な企画として決まる事になり、かなり新しい曲を披露した。
5 (Bass Vocal of Lo-Fi)