Feb 24, 2014

Superdeluxe Photos from our show! ライブ写真

On Sunday we had a great show with Jimi Tenor & Nicole Willis - "Cola & Jimmu”at the



Hosted by/ 主催:"o-moro" Music From Finland

With support from/ 協賛:KORG

Web: http://music.o-moro.jp/
FB: http://facebook.com/yut403
Tw: http://twitter.com/o_moro_finland


日曜日は本当に楽しいライブができた、、、! Superdeluxeで久しぶりにステージをやったけど、Jimi Tenor & Nicole Willis - "Cola & Jimmu”はやっぱりSuperdeluxeっぽい感じがしたなぁ。

今回のThe Lo-FiのSuperdeluxeアレンジも気に入ったからCarpe Diemとかリメイク版としてレコーディングしようかと。。。!

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I set up this stage with a guitar on a special stand so that I could play while still holding the bass.  it actually worked pretty well


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Now I’m actually on my way to Germany. The airport was PACKED with students. Traveling is a very consuming activity I don’t like very much.
But I look forward to meeting new people when I get there. That’s always fun
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Feb 23, 2014

Saxaphonist Yu's Wedding party. YuくんのWeddingパーティ

前からThe Lo-Fiのライブやアルバムのレコーディングを助けてくれているYuくんの結婚式に昨日は参加。今年はもっと一緒にライブをやるのが楽しみだ!

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to take part in Lo-Fi's Saxophonist Yu's wedding party. It was a lot of music and great food! I enjoyed it a lot. I look forward to playing with Yu again this year!

The wedding party was held at the Waterline. One of Lo-Fi's favorite places to perform.

Today we are in Roppongi getting ready for a show at the Superdeluxe



5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Feb 13, 2014

The Lo-Fi... オリジナルメンバーライブ

Recently I had a rehearsal with The Lo-Fi.

Our band was benched for a while because of personal injuries and some of us being hospitalized…!! I’m doing much better both physically and mentally and now Nori is also back and we had our first rehearsal together.

先日は久しぶりにThe Lo-Fiのオリジナルメンバーでリハーサルをしました。

かなり久しぶりだったけど、一番最初に曲を書いてThe Lo-Fiのコンセプトも作ったメンバーだから、イメージが最初からなにも言わず、作りたいものが出てくる。

It’s great to be back with the original members that actually wrote the songs that we’re playing.

A whole lotta stuff has happened together with this trio. We’ve had our good times and bad times. Fighting and laughing, crying, whatever…. we traveled all kinds of place both in Japan and around Europe/Asia. These experiences I think show in our music. Something I like about live music and bands, is this chemistry that happens between the performers.







So below is the information regarding our show on Sunday 16th of February. Tomorrow (after the English posting update that I’m doing now)

Venue: LOTUS (Yotsuya Tokyo)


2月16日 日曜日
Lotus 四谷

19時〜 (The Lo-Fiは30分のステージ)

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Feb 9, 2014

先日のStar LoungeでやったSshg!! のライブ。Photo's from Sshg!! live at the Star Lounge!

先日はいつもと違うバンドで渋谷の Star Loungeでライブをやった。

The Lo-Fi としてAlicia Saldenhaのサポートメンバーを務めた事のある。

今回は彼女をメンバーに入れた、The Lo-Fiとは結構違うサウンドのバンド「Sshg!」のライブをやった。




On Thursday I had my first show with my new band “Sshg!”. This band’s vocalist is Alicia Saldenha. She’s played with us before with Lo-Fi and we’ve also been her band as well.

The approach to the songs are very different in this band compared to The Lo-Fi.

I look forward to doing another awesome show in May or maybe June.
We’ll probably have some new songs ready and also look forward to get some videos up for the band too.

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Feb 4, 2014

”Sshg!” live at the Star Lounge! コラボライブをします!

2月6日(木)に渋谷の Star Loungeで新しいバンドの初ライブ?をします。

いくつか昔やっていた曲もアレンジして交えて、カバー曲もやりAlicia Saldenhaも


Here’s information for a show we are doing at the Star Lounge in Shibuya:



Guitar:  Sho Ogawa
Guitar:  Shu Fujiyama
Drums:  Hiroki Murakami
Bass, Vo:  5
Vocals: Alicia Saldenha

OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30
RESERVATIONS ¥2000 / DOOR¥2500 (1Drink order required)

for reservations email news@lofi-net.com


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Feb 1, 2014

Guitar and Bass

Out on a morning walk.

The other day I had a gig playing guitar for a blues band. This photo below is from a rehearsal we had. I haven't played guitar live for a while now.



So what is the difference between these instruments. The guitar has six strings and so do some basses. yes usually the strings on a guitar are thinner than a bass.

but I guess the biggest difference for most is the role that the instrument plays in the ensemble.



So I've another show coming up on the FEB16th where I'll be performing again as a guitarist. Looking forward to this as well.

Hope to get a lot done today.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)