Mar 30, 2013

袖ヶ浦楽しかったぁ! Had a lotta fun at Sodegaura!

(English Below)






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Today I attended this track meet

It was a really relaxed atmosphere and so I decided to ride the monster today!

It's almost touring paced riding half of the time so it's an event I always look forward to.

I'm also a big fan of Nemoto-San who's a rider hosting the get together.

Last time I was at the track was at Motegi, and that was much much more of a serious riding class... today was just a get together.

But the Monster isn't really a "monster" machine, most of the straight sections I've opened the throttle all the way so it's up to my riding skills to get out of the corners fast.

The monster is a completely different machine compared to my 1098. I was dragging parts almost immediately and realized I needed to work more on my lines and approach. Wow... riding well is so difficult! The 1098 just makes it seem like I'm a better rider....

I hope to get some rest tonight since I've got a whole day of work tomorrow!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

袖ヶ浦のサーキット。Sodegaura race track






Today I came down to the Sodegaura Raceway to join a track meet with my monster 796.

Got up pretty early and after the morning meeting I did two runs and now I'm having lunch!

The weather looks like it's gonna hold. So hope to get some more laps in the afternoon!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Mar 29, 2013

The Lo-Fi 情報、 The Lo-Fi update!

(English below)

今度4月2日に銀座のラジオ SORA X NIWA に出演いたします。

ネットラジオなので、 このページからアクセスして右のボタンから聞く事ができます。新しいアルバムの曲の紹介もあります。









基本的には2週間に1回以下のペースで配信しているThe Lo-Fiのメルマガもありますそれはこちらから購読の登録ができます:

色々と面白い情報やバンドに関する発信を今後も頑張ってしていきますので、The Lo-Fiの応援本当に感謝しています!



------------ English ----------------

On April 2nd of 2013 "5" (me) of the Lo-Fi will be making a radio appearance on Ginza's SORA X NIWA radio show from 15:30. I'll be on for about 40 mins so if you have time that day please check the show at this link here. Unfortunately the show is in Japanese only.
I'll blog about what we talked about for sure tho

On April 4th we're also doing a private show for a fashion brand that you all know Billabong. I hope we can release a video of our show that night, since it should be pretty cool!

Also on April 26th we have a VERY cool show coming up Here are the details on a former blog post

The video (japanese) is posted above. That's Meyou the singer of Jemstone and guitarist of Jemstone sitting next to me. I'm basically trying to introduce what kind of band The Lo-Fi is.


Last but not least here is the link to our Facebook page. If you have an account please Like our page and show that you support our band! It means a lot to us. We're grateful to have all the support and that's why we can keep going.

 We hope to tour all of Japan this year and maybe if we can get things in order we can do a show or two overseas too!

Looking forward to updating everyone about this soon!

Bass Liner by HAO 機材をテスト tried out a preamp the other day!

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先日自分が Inner Bambooのプリアンプをテストした時に一緒に試奏したプリはこれです。

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しかし、eqのオンオフできるのはInner Bambooとは違って便利かと思った。





---------- English --------------

This is a pre amp by HAO that I tested along with the Inner Bamboo Electron preamp I tested the other day.

It sounded great, but a little bit too hi-fi for my tastes.

The high frequency knob on the very right of the preamp deals with ultra-hi frequencies that might be something you look for in guitar when using distorted sounds, but on the bass it was a really "active" pre-amp like sound and maybe because of the new strings, but it was too sharp of a sound for my taste.

Usually on these types of preamps the mid-knob has a frequency adjuster (400hz-3khz) but what I'd really like to see is a low frequency adjuster on these things. The lows are usually the problem when you get into the studio or a stage that doesn't sound balanced. Mids are controllable with the amp and your eq on the bass itself. But sometimes the lows that are too boomy are hard to deal with on smaller stages.

It's a great preamp with lot's of flexibility but like all sounds, there are many different opinions about what people like, so I guess it's best to try one out with your own bass and see how much it meets your requirements.

It do think it's really cool that this preamp, you can turn on an off.. This is a function that the Inner Bamboo pre didn't have. I had to use their sound, no choice! Also the color is really retro and cool looking. Talking about design, ZVEX makes the coolest looking paints on these things I've ever seen! Really funky stuff.


I still haven't had the time to update my board but hope to do that soon so I can introduce it to you all again soon.

昨日のランチ美味しかったなぁ、、、 Yesterday's lunch was great! Where to today…..

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なかいい友達のロシア人とタイ料理にいった。 このサイトに紹介も乗っている

NewImage ちょっと外観もかわいい感じの店


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So… it's time for lunch… but I have no idea what I want to have for lunch.

Maybe I'll just whip something up at home… but I do feel like going out today.

Don't have much time before my rehearsal but I hope I get something down.


Yesterday's lunch was great. It was at this small place in Aoyama called "Tahiti". I don't know why it's called that but anyway it's a Thai restaurant and the food and atmosphere was awesome!

I posted a link to a Japanese review of the restaurant above.

What I had was the Thai green curry. It's a super mainstream boring choice… but hey.. it was great anyway!

My friend had the Thai noodles…. man those colors are so cool for photos….!


I definitely will go to this place again when I have a chance.

So…. I still have no idea where to go for lunch.

Hmmm…. I wonder where everyone is having lunch today….

昨日の夜のリハーサル Yesterday night's rehearsal!

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Yesterday I had a band rehearsal for a wedding gig!

It was still only our 2nd time meeting up as a band, but I really like the guys and we're having lot's of fun just playing together.

We need to perform a medley of Michael Jackson songs and we're also going to perform two songs with a really great singer!

Shibata Tomomi

she's a really great singer! I can't wait to perform with her again. I think she's doing a gig tonight too… but tonight I've already got plans and a lesson to teach so don't think I'll make it…..

It's great to have an opportunity to meet so many great musicians. It's strange to think about how so many are struggling to get by when you consider the crazy amount of time they put into perfecting their art and skills.

Anyway I gotta get ready for this afternoon's rehearsal too!


Mar 28, 2013

昨日はライブのミーティング。Had a pre-concert meeting yesterday!

今度特別なイベントにThe Lo-Fiは出演をお願いされています!

かなりいい感じの会場、Creme De La Cremeでやります。カフェ、Lapazの上にあるスペースです。





------- English --------

Yesterday I had a meeting with some event planners about a concert The Lo-Fi has been hired to do!
We've been invited to a clothing and jewelry brands' party to perform there representing one of the brands.

The event space we'll be performing at is somewhere I've never performed before. It's a really nice event space and it's located right above the Lapaz cafe.

I've been meaning to get my effects board ready for this show... but can't really decide what to do when there's no space... LOL

Oh well, I'm really looking forward to this show so I've been reflecting on yesterday's meeting about gear and how we're going to produce the entire event.
Now for the set list!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Mar 27, 2013

"雨の日に、、"また聞かれた! Isn't it dangerous to ride in the rain?

(English below)











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When ever I'm riding in the rain and come into a store or somewhere with my helmet in hand, people ask me "Isn't it dangerous to ride in the rain?"

I don't get frustrated or anything from this question mind you... it's actually a pleasing question since it reveals the questioner is interested in riding!

If you look at statistics cancer and heart disease is more likely to kill you. If your a rider sure you're more likely to die from riding. How you ride, your protection is the largest factor in the death statistic though from what I know.

Anyway what I want to say is that you don't do something because you know it's safe.

You do it because you love it.
If you don't know what you love? Go out there and find that something you love!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

お気に入りのポット! My favorite tea pot



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This is a photo of my favorite tea pot. It's made in Japan with a  really retro kind of feel to it.

I love how it feels in my hands when I pour. I think that having good tea or food is a great thing, but the pot or plates or what you use to enjoy it is also part of the fun. What kind of cutlery or tableware do you like?

I like sharing people preferences like these because it gives me insight into what some people are thinking.

感謝の気持ち! Grateful

(English below)


今回は有楽町の外国記者クラブ / Foreign Correspondents' Clubで出演する事ができ、友達の紹介でcobaさんという鍵盤の方と一緒に共演する事ができました!この切っ掛けで一緒に4月4日の洋服のブランドのパーティのライブも一緒にやる予定です。


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------------- English -------------


The other day when we played at the Foreign Correspondents' Club, a friend brought us a small gift! It's this beautifully round custard pie that was delicious!

She was even so kind enough to introduce us to an awesome keyboardist "cobs" that was really fun to play with!

I'm really happy to be surrounded by so many people that are willing to help us with our music and art!

Thank you!

I posted another photo of our amazing crowd from on stage..! Thanks for the full house!

Mar 26, 2013

大変な時はもっと大変になるんだと。 When the going gets tough.. it'll get even tougher!

(English below)








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To be honest, sometimes I feel like giving up.

These past few days have been really tough for me for several reasons, but I remember something my dog taught me.

"You can only live one second at a time". "now" is all we have. The past and future are just a part of our imagination that really is only an imaginary reference point or guide for helping us decide what to do "now". All of our enjoyment or happiness comes from how we feel at this exact instant.

I do miss my dog since I haven't seen her for a while now, but I'm happy that I was with her. I can't wait to see her again soon.

Today was another really busy day, but after teaching one more lesson I'll be back home to continue with some unfinished work.

I really want to thank everyone who is always cheering me on and supporting me no matter what. I hope to return their kindness by doing my best to help make others around me just as happy and successful!  

This photo is a photo I took yesterday in the rain near my student's house.

The Sakura trees are really beautiful this time of year. I like how they look in the rain too…!

弦の張り替え! restringing my bass!

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今回は R.COCCOの125がlow-bの今よりも少し太い弦に変えてみた。





先日のセットリストで Realizeを演奏したときもなんか音の明るさが足りなくて



-------------- English ----------------- 

Unfortunately I haven't changed bass strings for a real… real long time!!!!

If I remember correctly it might actually be a year or something since I last changed strings.
I'm not being lazy or anything, it's just that I actually like the dull and sustain-less sounds of the old bass strings. Well after doing a show the other day and just feeling like the strings were "dead" I just had to change the strings.

The more soloing that I do the more that I feel that the strings really need to have a brighter feel and sustain.

It might me the sustain that bothers me the most, when I want my notes to sing, especially when doing solos.

This time I decided to use R.COCCO strings 125 on the low-b. They are a bit thicker than the strings I usually use, but I'm really

happy with the quality of this brand so although I bought stainless steel strings by mistake, they'll do good!

I guess this must be some kind of message for me to try these strings out.

これでレースを開催したい! I really wanna arrange a track day with these bikes!

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The other day at the motor show there was one more bike that really interested me was this mini-racer!

Amazing to see this thing go. It's got a gyroscope in the back wheel to keep it from falling over at slow speeds.

It's amazing to see how real it looks! You can race with your friends in your living room with no fear of paying thousands of dollars for each crash… LOL

It's amazing to think about how toys have evolved with the technology they use over these few years.

I remember when remote control cars were still really big machines!

おはようございます! Good morning!

(English below)










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先日のモーターショーでムルチストラーダのPikes Peak ver.もまたがってみた。





Good morning! 

Great weather today… I feel a bit tired from being too busy yesterday, but I've got a quite a lot of time today to catch up.

Yesterday morning I was in Sendagaya again to do a meeting for an upcoming show for an apparel brand!

In the usual parking space where I park my motorcycle, there was a coffee van called the MOTOYA EXPRESS.

Good coffee!


I also posted a photo of one of my favorite bikes at the motorcycle show the other day.

The pikes peak version of the multistrada! This bike looks and feels like a lot of fun!

Mar 24, 2013

東京モーターサイクルショー! Tokyo Motorcycle Show!



Today I went to visit the Tokyo Motorcycle show! Some great weather and I had a great time at all the booths! Met a lot of people that I know from the bike shops in Tokyo too!
5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Mar 23, 2013

今日の出演は20:30からです! we're performing from 20:30 tonight!







Today we're playing at the Foreign Correspondents' Club in Yurakucho, Hibiya Tokyo!

It's a bit if a strange atmosphere for doing a Lo-Fi gig, but hey it's a fun atmosphere so we're really happy to be here!

We suddenly made some new friends! In the photo is Alex from the Ukraine. It's cool how he loves Japan! I love Japan too.

Well this gig is a free show, at the Yurakucho-denki Building! We're playing on the 20th floor.

Here's a map

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

ポジティブなエネルギーとコミュニケーション。Positive energy and communication

今日はたまたま海外の音楽メディア Spinの記事を読んでたら、そうだなぁ、、、と思う記事に巡り合った。


Found an article in SPIN magazine about some independent band dude who had a really bad attitude toward a journalist.
Made me think about why this happened. I can kind of understand where the attitude comes from, although I realize it's unacceptable.
Whether your a salesperson for a new product or your and upcoming artist or musician, it's likely your always rejected. At least most of the time... to be honest it's a tough game your playing.
But still there are those who come on on top regardless of the odds. Of course it's not just luck. I feel it's the energy they project in anything they do. I take that to heart when I get up on stage or in front of the camera.
Of course sometimes I feel like the whole world is against me, but it takes less than a second to snap back into reality that, life is great. These challenges are nothing you can't handle. Rejection is the norm, not an attack on your being. I try to set a good example for other upcoming musicians like me that even when things aren't going the way you'd like them to go, you can still be positive about it and slowly things will start moving in your favor.
Projecting negative feelings won't get you anywhere is what I've learnt.
I hope I can spread more of this positive vibe...!
Anyway I'm at a local bakery right now enjoying the beautiful Sakura!
5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

朝ご飯失敗、、、 disaster for breakfast






I think it actually takes some talent to destroy a sunny side up like I've done here!

I guess the Teflon coating on my frying pan isn't functioning at all or I'm having a bad morning...

Well I've got a show later tonight I wonder what I should do next... get into my training regimen or get my gear in order.....

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

先日撮影したビデオ! The video we shot a few days ago!

(English below)


先日 DAIKANYAMA LOOP のライブ会場で撮影したバンドとイベント(2013年4月26日金)の紹介です。

今回は JEMSTONEのSHUとMEYOUさんと一緒にイベントの紹介をしています。最後に少しThe Lo-Fiの紹介もしてる映像!


BGMでフィーチャしているサウンドはThe Lo-FiのFortitudeのアルバムから We Are Allと Carpe Diem。





Good morning!

This is a video we shot at the Daikanyama Loop where we will be performing on the 26th of April 2013!

Featured in the video is Jemstones singer MEYOU and guitarist SHU and from The Lo-Fi … me "5".

The music playing in the background is The Lo-Fi's music from the album Fortitude!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the show soon!

Mar 22, 2013

さて、鎌倉へ。 Off to Kamakura

(English below)







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このセットは前に Fortitudeをレコーディングしたときのセット。






Now we're off to Kamakura to pick up Yosh drum set for tomorrow's show.

It's really common that when we do these charity gigs, saving money so we can donate it is a priority and the venue has no gear. This time we're going to do some shows in the beginning of April too so we decided to get the stuff loaded on my car.

The sound on Yosh's set is much better anyway. Here's a photo of the drum set up when we recorded the Fortitude album. Look at all those mics!


リハーサル終了。finished with rehearsal

今日もまたロックバンドのリハーサル!!明日はThe Lo-Fi のライブだから、今夜は仕込みだな。


The Lo-Fiのミーティングとは全然違うな、、、

Just finished rehearsing.
Doing the rock band thing again. Hopefully I'll be able to introduce this band soon

Lo-Fi has a show tomorrow in Yurakucho, for a charity gig!
I gotta get back soon and prepare for that!

Meetings with a different band is really inspiring.

Cool stuff!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

4月26日のライブ The concert on the 26th of April!

(English Below)




God never gives you what you can't handle!



さて、皆さまにお知らせしたかったのは、下記のライブの日程が決定し、イベントの詳細もどんどん決まってきましたと!おかしな事に3月23日の土曜日(明日!)のライブはまだ詳細が決まっていません。正直音響もどんな音響か、持込みかも分かりませんが、無料チャリティーイベントなので、あまり気にしてません。お客様にご迷惑をお掛けしたくないですが、何か分からないことがあったらtwitterででもご連絡ください。@lofi_soul_jpn が日本語のLo-Fiアカウントです!

04.26 FRI

jemstone × The Lo-Fi

The Lo-Fi
jemstone / The Lo-Fi

OPEN 18:30 / START 19:30
ADV 3000YEN +1Drink / DOOR 3500YEN+1Drink




Good morning people! I hope your doing good. Tokyo is really dusty and the pollen is almost life threatening ;) but at least the weather is great!

There's been a lot of new challenges for me these past few months but I'm keeping myself focused on my goals. I always remember some good words a friend shared with me "God never gives us what we can't handle". I take these words to heart. I sure that someone else has said similar word in a different phrase, but I understand the message nonetheless.

Anyway here's an update on our concert on the 26th of April. We've finished shooting the promo videos so we should be uploading the edited videos soon for the event. They include interviews and I hope to add English captions to the interviews too!
Will post more info later!

Mar 21, 2013

撮影終了! Finished the shoot!



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Finished with the shoot in Daikanyama for a promo vid we're making for the April 26 show.

We did the shoot with Shu and Meyou from Jemstone. They're both really cool musicians and I'm really looking forward to performing with them in April. She has a  theme for this event we're doing called "Live=Love". It seems a little superficial at first but if you think about it, nothing in this world really "means" anything. We just add value to things that happen or people say because of these emotions or feeling we have for certain things. Anyway, today was great for riding!

Today I've been moving around on the 1098 again, even though Daikanyama isn't really that far away from where I live. I've been working on that trail-braking technique since Motegi. The rear brake is really hard to use if your not careful.

Now I better get ready for tonight's rehearsal with Lo-Fi!


We also have a show coming up this Saturday. If your in the Tokyo Area, please drop by. I'm helping a friend raise money for charity at the Foreign Correspondent's Club in Hibiya.


We're not even on the bill, but hey it's for a 'cause so why not help out right?

MOTEGIサーキット走行。 Track day at the Motegi race track


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Yesterday I went out to the Motegi race track with a friend from the Gaijin rider's club and I had a great day off.

I finally got a really leather suit for an unbelievable price from a colleague that didn't need it anymore. It's definitely much better than the baggy leathers that I had before…!

I'm about to leave for a photo and filming shoot with my band. 
Will update you guys on details with that soon! 

Mar 20, 2013

やっとついた。finally arrived




I can't believe how tired I am.
Did a back and forth of Motegi and finally got to Motegi after 7 hours of driving and riding.

I'll be back on the bike in about three hours.

I really think life is like this.
There is never any time to rest.
if you think things are tough? They will get tougher.
if you feel tired? you haven't seen tired yet!

I'm always looking forward to the next challenge!

Still can't believe how I keep forgetting to being things!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

サービスエリアでやっと休憩。finally had some time to rest








Today was an extremely busy day. Started the morning with student email corrections and response writing. Then an array of web updating work.
I tried squeezing in some training time, but I guess I didn't have enough time and had to cut it short.

I was doing some stretching while waiting for the elevator... but hmm it seems like I am really stiff since I haven't had the time recently to keep practicing yoga.

After the jog I went to teach two classes and then a few private lessons. Afterwards I met up with a friend in Azabu and then off to Shinagawa->Jouban Expressway!

it was really a long day but I am really grateful about many things.

Right now I'm taking a break getting some rest at a rest area on the Jouban expressway

More unhealthy food!! LOL

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Mar 18, 2013

福井県からの帰り。On the drive back from Fukui

I don't like driving. But hey when it's raining its not that bad!


You can take turns driving and also enjoy a quiet conversation and even sleep.

The weather was pretty grim during some sections of the long drive


The beautiful rest area had some interesting stores

One memorable place.... the bathroom... What's with the lights?


Ah... now this sign was really informative. I had no idea!!! Please pass on this useful bit of info.

Anime bikes... I think the RC8 is weeping from humiliation


The Kushitani shop here was really amazing!

ライダーの服なのになんか、United ArrowsとかBeamsに置いてそうなレザーも多かった。

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)