May 25, 2013

CDを出荷!Sending out the "Fortitude" CDs!




Looks like a full moon tonight. The sky is so different even if your in the same spot looking up depending not just on the weather but also how you feel.




Finally finished doing all the barcode sticker attachment for our CD orders!! Yup it's a bit challenging when your up TK your neck in other work, but also a very enlightening process.

If you think about it, these CDs are going to be in the hands of new listeners very soon. And here I am posting a little barcode on each single CD.

I know it's not accurate, but it sure feels like I'm adding some personal value to the CD for some reason LOL

In an age where people don't buy CDs I think I've made a pretty big investment in this album so I hope it's something everyone can enjoy!

Fortitude will be in stores all over Japan on June 5th!


The Lo-FiのCD、Fortitude は6/5発売なので、CD店舗で是非予約して応援をしてください!全国CD店舗から注文できます!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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