September 14th was a really long day traveling to Kyoto, rehearsing with the band there, and doing a late night show…. but it was an amazing show!
ライブ会場の METROも絶対またライブをやりたいすばらしい会場だった。
The venue itself was really great too. I can't wait to go back there again to perform.
Here's DJ SUWA who invited us along with B-Bandj to be the band for FUTEN…!
この写真はDJ SUWA、今回ライブでB-Bandjと一緒にFUTENのバンドとして The Lo-Fiを誘ってくれました!
Great guy! 本当にいい人で一緒にイベントできて嬉しかったです!
We had Ryuchi join us on Keys this time along with….
Ryoji also on the keyboards…!
一緒にSaito Ryojiも鍵盤で入ってくれました!歌も歌ってくれました!最高!
This time the concert was performed in some really bad weather but we had a full house for the event and it was great…!
The Lo-Fi played as the band for FUTEN. We jammed and we were able to do FUTEN songs together and it was a real privilege at this special event!
This event is a tribute event for Fujitani-san who is the original drummer for FUTEN. He too was a biker and it meant a lot to me that we were able to play for his show.
It's great that so many people came here in his memory.
The Lo-Fi
Our next show will be on the 27th of September at the JUKE JOINT we hope to see everyone there too!
次のライブは9月27日にJuke Jointで行います!是非見に来てください!