Sep 29, 2013

The mix. ミックス。


Today I spent the afternoon going through some mixes again


Sound is something obviously intangible, so hard to communicate with just words.



If you've got a shared point of reference however, it's not as difficult to get your point across.

Communication is really interesting. Language and music.
Very close and also very different at the same time, like many things in life.


Anyway, today I had some great pancakes (Japanese style), and that made my day!!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jazz going for a ride!!

Jazz and I went out for a walk today between meetings and here's a shot of her in the car on our way back!

She loves the breeze!
Now I just gotta figure out a way to get her on the motorcycle too... heh heh

YouTube Video

今日は仕事の合間にジャズとまた散歩! それでついでにドライブの写真も掲載。やっぱり犬はこれが大好きだね。






met a crazy lady on our way back home. Angry as a ____ yelling for me to pick up my dog because the sign says I need to do that indoors. well I was actually about to pick her up anyway...!

We don't follow rules because signs on walls tell us to do so. I think rules are followed so that your community can benefit as a whole from these rules and boundaries, of course that should change with time and understanding. That's how we got rid of crazy things that was accepted a long time ago like legal slavery or government supported brothels. Anyway before I go too far from the point... she was scared of dogs. Which is unfortunate,

imagine being told you were scary from a monster of an animal that kills their own kind with chemical warfare torture rape and war. Imagine being told your scary by a species contaminating the planet with nuclear waste for millions of years to come for starters.... Glad Jazz doesn't understand how stupid humans are. Err well at least as far as I know.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今日もあっという間に一日が。Another day flew by



Last night after the show I got home and unloaded all the gear and finally finished cleaning up around 1am. Then I got busy preparing for my day ahead.

I also found an old photo my friend posted.


This photo brings back some great memories. Awesome band!

Anyway on my to my 11:00 I passed an awesome ride!

great weather

and now for a strong drink....

I've got some more mixing to so before sunrise!


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Sep 28, 2013

Jukejointのライブありがとう! Thank you for coming to our show!


The World Is Yours
Carpe Diem
Think About
Apple Tea
We Are All

This is the setlist from yesterday's show at the Juke Joint!

It was our first performance with Saori but it was a lot of fun how she approached the songs! I wish we had more time to jam together!



Thank you for the wonderful gift and for always being there at our shows! (photo from backstage with the band)

今回のライブは面白いカメラ HDR MV-1(ミュージックビデオカメラ)の撮影もはいり、公開できる映像ができたら公式のSONYのYouTube Channelでも紹介予定です!

For this show we had some interesting cameras there to film. The HDR MV-1 from Sony. It's their music video camera and the performance should be shared by their YouTube channel when the video is ready! Not the whole show but some of the clips from the performance!

Before the show we got together to get some of our reviews of the camera


This is what the show was like...

a bit hard to find...! but great venue!



We had two more songs we were planning to jam on but for this occasion we were worried about our customer's last train and also the sound curfew of the venue so maybe next time for the other two songs!!!

If you want more at a show, let us know then and there! We'll play more if you want more...!



5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Sep 24, 2013

今夜は気持ちがいい。Perfect night




Juke Joint という会場も初めてで、結構期待しているんだ。


The weather was gloomy in the morning so i decided to upload a photo from a nice sunset i saw a few months ago.

Amazing how time flies.

People and your environment... relationships change all around you.

Its all so nostalgic for me i guess since i miss a lot of things in my past. not that I'm unhappy or anything. It's just that we can't get any younger or go back in time.

Anyway had a great rehearsal with the band and looking forward to a great show on Friday at the JukeJoint

So now to finish my walk with Jazz

Sep 20, 2013

旅は楽しい。The people you meet when you tour

more photos from the Kyoto gig

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Sep 18, 2013

京都は最高だった! Kyoto was amazing!


September 14th was a really long day traveling to Kyoto, rehearsing with the band there, and doing a late night show…. but it was an amazing show!


ライブ会場の METROも絶対またライブをやりたいすばらしい会場だった。

The venue itself was really great too. I can't wait to go back there again to perform.

IMG 0676

Here's DJ SUWA who invited us along with B-Bandj to be the band for FUTEN…! 

この写真はDJ SUWA、今回ライブでB-Bandjと一緒にFUTENのバンドとして The Lo-Fiを誘ってくれました!

LoFi BBandj 1

LoFi BBandj 3

Great guy!  本当にいい人で一緒にイベントできて嬉しかったです!

LoFi BBandj 4


We had Ryuchi join us on Keys this time along with….

LoFi BBandj 6

Ryoji also on the keyboards…!

一緒にSaito Ryojiも鍵盤で入ってくれました!歌も歌ってくれました!最高!


LoFi BBandj 7


This time the concert was performed in some really bad weather but we had a full house for the event and it was great…!


LoFi BBandj 11




The Lo-Fi played as the band for FUTEN. We jammed and we were able to do FUTEN songs together and it was a real privilege at this special event!

This event is a tribute event for Fujitani-san who is the original drummer for FUTEN. He too was a biker and it meant a lot to me that we were able to play for his show.

It's great that so many people came here in his memory.

LoFi BBandj 15


LoFi BBandj 13


LoFi BBandj 10

The Lo-Fi

LoFi BBandj 9

Our next show will be on the 27th of September at the JUKE JOINT we hope to see everyone there too!


次のライブは9月27日にJuke Jointで行います!是非見に来てください!


Sep 14, 2013

ライブ写真 Part 2... More photos from our show!

この前、代官山のLoopでやったライブの写真がもっとありました。Shing02 x Gagle のライブも楽しかったなぁ。

We found more photos from our show at the Daikanyama Loop. Shing02 x Gagle's show was really cool too.

The band



Gaku Tajima

Saito Ryoji



Tonight's show should be pretty cool too. Looking forward to a great show!!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

ライブで頂いたケーキ! Thank you for the cake!!

この前 Shing02とGagleのライブのときにファンから頂きましたケーキ。

So this is it!!! This is the cake that we got as a gift when we performed with Shing02 and Gagle at the Loop in Daikanyma from a fan really close to us!


Really happy and grateful for the perfect gift for a band of cake lovers like us...!

So here we are right now after a quick nap on our way to Kyoto. around 600 km away and we're traveling at alike 20km/h... So at this pace... we'll miss our show cause it'll take us 30hours to get there.




5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Sep 13, 2013

今からリハーサルを、、、明日は早速京都! We're about to start rehearsal... tomorrow we're off to Kyoto!

--- English Below ----


昔 Dan Bakerと競演する予定が震災で流れてしまってからずいぶん時間が
たち、今回は B-Bandjの仲間達 FUTENと一緒にライブができるのは本当に



---------- English --------------

We're about to get into rehearsal... and tomorrow we're heading to Kyoto to do a show with FUTEN with our good friend B-Bandj.

It's been a few years since we initially booked a show at the Kyoto Metro venue.....!

Last time was when we were supposed to perform with DAN BAKER when he came here on tour.
Unfortunately the earthquake and following disaster forced us to reschedule.

It's great to have an opportunity to finally play, but also with a good friend as a yearly tribute event to the original drummer for Futen when they played as a band.

He was also a rider like me and motorcyclists all know that crashes are inevitable. You do your best to prepare for it though.

Hope we have a great show!

If your in the Kanasai area we'd love it if you could drop by!

Here are the details for the venue:


京都市左京区川端丸太町下ル京阪神宮丸太町駅2番出口 恵美須ビルBF

Ebisu Bill BF 82 Simodutumi-cho kawabata Marutamachi kudaru Sakyo-ku Kyoto Japan

Sep 9, 2013

先日のライブは、、、The concert the other day was really...

Shing02 x Gagle A-1 + DJ Yuichiroと一緒に共演した代官山でのライブはかなり楽しかった!!

メンバーはRyoji, Gaku, Yoshと俺でやりました。

Great show w/Gagle Shing02 A-1 and DJ Yuichro was great! It was a great turn out and I think everyone had a great time!

Yosh on drums

Gaku on keys

Ryoji... taking a break!

Here's what the Gagle x Shing02 stage looked like....


The World Is Yours
Carpe Diem
Think About
Realize (Jam session)
We Are All

なんか、久しぶりに思いっきり背中が治って演奏した気がするかな? 結構アンプ運ぶのも今までは気を使って気をつけていたが、今回は全部自分でできたぁ!





One good thing about this show was the fact that I was able to feel confident about my back! It's back in good shape err.. better shape!

Sure I have slight discomfort sometimes, but now I can even carry that damn 100kg cabinet stack (albeit top and bottom separately) by myself.

We did a pretty long jam on one of my favorite jam tunes, Realize. I really have so much I want to express when playing live that a few songs aren't enough... but it was great jamming with such different feels on that stage.

I'm also so grateful to receive an extremely delicious gift after the show! I hope to introduce that later on my blog...!

We've got another show in the 14th in Kyoto at the Metro. We're busy getting ready for that. I really look forward to sharing the stage with B-Bandj again!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)