All the issues that were making me pretty busy related to the accident have settled down. Now I’ll probably have some more work to do after Ive completed all of my rehabilitation. It’s really strange but after long hours on the desk my left hand is really numb. (My muscles work fine, but the sensation on the outside of my hand get’s really tingly… ) Doc says I’ll be fine with more rehabilitation so.. oh well!
Here’s some photos from my recent shows with Lo-Fi and also with me and Yosh playing for other musicians.
逗子ビーチ近くにある海の家/オープンカフェレストランの Surfer’s でやったライブの写真です!
This here photo is from the Beach House near Zushi beach called SURFERS
The Lo-Fiのステージ前には大好きなギタリストの Aoさんや Hannaと一緒にジャムもした
This photo is us jamming with Hanna and AO
Earlier that day we also did a show supporting Jerome in his project “Poetic License"
Photos from the Roppongi show