May 30, 2013

Knee Draggers の横浜ライブ! Knee Draggers live in Yokohama

先日の月曜日にはAoさんと一緒にやっているブルースバンド、Knee Draggers のライブを!

On Monday this week I had a show playing bass for the Knee Draggers, a blues band led by none other Ao! He's helped Lo-Fi on countless events and gigs as a guitarist and sound engineer!


Yosh is out on a tour overseas so for this gig we had Takeo play drums for us. Maybe in the near future we'll be seeing some double drumming!

I set up a Facebook page for the band, where we played Stevie Ray Vaughn, Matsuda Yusaku songs! We also played some original music written by our guitarist Hanna.

We just set up the page so we've only got photos but soon will upload some songs!


後はギタリスト、Nomura Hannaのオリジナル曲も披露する事ができて非常に楽しかった!




ゲストで さいとうりょうじ ギター炸裂!

Surprise guest appearance by SAITO RYOJI!!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 29, 2013

Phil Jones Bass headphones!

Phil Jones Bassから面白い商品がまた出る!!!


News130522 h850




面白いね。俺は今はBEATS BY DREのヘッドフォンを使ってベースが聴き易いサウンドを味わっているが、やっぱり音があまりにも加工感があって、聴いてるのが凄い疲れる。



Phil Jones Bass is releasing another interesting product soon.

It's their first headphone release and I can't wait to hear what it sounds like.
Right now I use Beats By Dre headphones when I'm practicing backstage but to be honest it's a very tiring headphone to listen too.The design is cool but the sound is not.

 I really like how PJB delivers sound on their bass amps, speaker cabs and audio, so I can't wait to really hear what this headphone has to deliver.

Another product I really look forward to testing!


May 27, 2013

今日はブルースライブ@BB STREET Blues band live at the BB Street in Yokohama

今日は Knee Draggers (ニードラッガーズ)というブルースバンドでベースを演奏します!

いつもはThe Lo-Fiでギターやサンプラーを演奏してくれているAOさんがリーダーのブルースバンドです。今日の会場は横浜、関内駅前にあるBB STREETで演奏します。

IMG 0493

Today I'm playing bass for the blues band "Knee Draggers" at the Yokohama/Kannai BB STREET venue! It's a really cool bluesy atmosphere tonight.

The band leader is AO who's helped Lo-Fi out multiple times before on guitar, synth, and sampler! It's great to be backing him to on his own projects.


We've got a cool guitarist on board tonight too.

His name is Hanna and we're going to be playing some of his own ambient style songs too.

Can't wait to jam with everyone!!!

IMG 0495

Here's AO's incredible loud guitar rig.

…and yes tonight I have my equally loud Phil Jones speaker setup with the 6T/9B stack!



鍵盤は前のAO BLUES BANDの時のキーボードのNomuraさんです!最後にはなんとステージにギターが三本のる予定です。。。。!!





今日はでも負けないサウンドと音圧で、Phil Jonesのスタックで勝負します。。。。!


6T/9B という合計15発の小型5インチスピーカーでかなりスピード感とクリアなサウンドの出るベースサウンドで演奏します。








May 26, 2013

スタジオで打ち合わせをして、After the meeting at the studio

(English Below)

先日おせわになっているスタジオの音響ハウスで打ち合わせをしていた時に嬉しい事にアルバムの並びにちゃんと The Lo-Fi のアルバムもあった!
















--------- English --------

The other day when I was in a meeting at the studio, I was happy to find the Lo-Fi's new album "Fortitude" among the other albums recorded at the studio.

Having our album right next to big name artists is inspiring because in your mind you kind of compare your sounds subconsciously and imagine how listeners might compare the albums too.

One central theme in my albums is a message that I hope can help people confront challenges or rough patches in their lives. I'm sure we've all had our share of tough times. I've made a vow to turn those struggles into fuel for me to help other people get through their own tough times.

I've been writing a lot of songs around this idea. Around my own experiences too.

Sure I'm a normal human too, I get angry or sad or nervous or whatever but I never give up hope.

Never give up that things will get better.... that we can all work together to make the world a better place.

Anyway, recently I got some interesting feedback from Yosh "Why don't you just try writing something fun?"

It's so obvious I haven't written very many songs that are just "fun"... well that got me moving.
I'm doing multiple projects right now but I hope it all comes together into one big synergy!

My fever is completely gone now but am truly beat. So tired I've been really frustrated these few days.

Came upon this cat the other day, just chillin in a parking lot. Made me realize how tense I was with my pace of life.

It's great to meet someone outside of this rat race! Makes me think about my priorities, about what really makes me happy, or about if I'm really doing what's really important for me....

Anyway back to work...!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 25, 2013

CDを出荷!Sending out the "Fortitude" CDs!




Looks like a full moon tonight. The sky is so different even if your in the same spot looking up depending not just on the weather but also how you feel.




Finally finished doing all the barcode sticker attachment for our CD orders!! Yup it's a bit challenging when your up TK your neck in other work, but also a very enlightening process.

If you think about it, these CDs are going to be in the hands of new listeners very soon. And here I am posting a little barcode on each single CD.

I know it's not accurate, but it sure feels like I'm adding some personal value to the CD for some reason LOL

In an age where people don't buy CDs I think I've made a pretty big investment in this album so I hope it's something everyone can enjoy!

Fortitude will be in stores all over Japan on June 5th!


The Lo-FiのCD、Fortitude は6/5発売なので、CD店舗で是非予約して応援をしてください!全国CD店舗から注文できます!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 24, 2013

環境展とかバイク Environment Expo and bikes


After a long meeting with Onkio Haus recording studios about a new album project I'm working on, I headed out to Big Sight in Ariake Tokyo to see a machinery exhibition a friend of mine is doing!


I love these types of expo style events where you got all this huge machines on display... reminds me my childhood days spending time with my dad at these booths. (yes I was always in the office or factory cause my parents never were home very much)



This company I'm working with is a company that imports German machinery used for example, managing the waste produced by all the destruction after the earthquake in Tohoku.



The CEO is a really cool guy I respect a lot... he's also a biker!

今日はYamaha Vmaxのフレームの話をして楽しかった!



Today we were talking about how high speeds make the old vmax frame unstable and a scary bike to ride at high speeds!

Now I'm off to a meeting with another recording artist to arrange songs. Some teaching in the evening!
It's awesome to be working with so many cool, interesting and intelligent people!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

最高に楽しい音楽! Incredible sound!

昨日は Superdeluxe という大好きなライブ会場でイベントに出演しました!

しかも、今回はメンバーが変則的な形でThe Lo-Fiの曲をカバー??してみた感じで楽しかった!!


Last nights show at the Superdeluxe was awesome!! We weren't our usual line up so it was really different.

You could say that we were kind of "covering" Lo-Fi with this funky lineup!

The funky stuff and ambient sounds were really right for the venue too.

Can't wait to play with the guys again!

Keys: Nori
Guitar: Sho Ogawa
Drums: Hiroki Murakami

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 23, 2013

今日は久しぶりに It's been a while

(English below)





------- English --------

I'm finally back on my motorcycle again after a few days of craziness.... The longest I've been off my bike is when I'm doing my music thing...!

Of course that's not a bad trade off when you consider how much you get back when doing music..

I really do miss the saddle though and had to ride today before my show!

Nori and I we're gonna play the Superdeluxe again with super drummer Hiroki Murakami and super guitarist Sho Ogawa since Yosh is off to Hawaii for a different performance with his Japanese "Taiko" crew.

Being mixed into the daily rush hour traffic chaos of Tokyo isn't as stressful when your on two wheels. It's like a battlefield especially on rainy days, but today just feels perfect! Gotta watch out for Shirobai if you know what I mean...!

Gotta come up with some song arrangements now

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 22, 2013







Today I just finished sound check with my new rig setup with Phil Jones Bass cabinets.

The 6T and 9B. They are incredibly punchy and maintain their sonic balance no matter how hard you pump the speakers.

Today I'm playin with a really loud band so I'm really glad I've for this rig for tonight's show.

It's not a huge venue, but the stage is pretty big and I can hear myself all over the stage. BTW my band has no problem with the sound of the amp.

The only complaint I could imagine about these cabs is that they're pretty heavy!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

先日は祭りの後、リズム隊であつまり! Got together after the Anime gig with a drummer


I actually don't feel so great! LOL
But hey I don't wanna complain, just explaining my I've got this mask on!

It's really great to sit down with band members and work on songs. I don't enjoy it so much when studio sessions are just a marathon of running through songs just to get the sections and chords right.



5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 20, 2013

祭りの仕事も。A Japanese festival gig!


Yesterday I had a festival sound gig with some musicians for an Anime Concert outdoor party at a Japanese temple...! wild eh?


Our clients chief director had an incident and was hospitalized so this complicated many things but the event was a hit and all was well!


I was a bit under the weather too and had some tough moments during the 8 hour event (11 hours including the prepping)

But hey my buddies helped me pull through! These moments of success against adversities is a feeling like none other... man I had fun!!!


The bigger the challenge the stronger I think people bond together. I must say this was the most fun I've ever had having a fever almost knocking me off my feet!! LOL


Not so much gear but the HIACE did a good job. It seemed like it was everyone's equipment van of choice that day..... LOL

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 18, 2013

今はパーティが始まった。Out DJing for a party....



Today I was DJing for a wedding party. It's really rare that I do this anymore but hey, who can say no to a friend!

I had a great time and was flattered that a lot of people came up to me to tell me the music selection was good!


Hope to get 3 hours sleep before my next job starting in about 4 hours!

Man this fever is killing me!! LOL

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 17, 2013

ロックバンドでもベースを!! Playing bass for a rock band!

(English below)



Land Diverというバンドで


まだ自分は参加し始めたばかりなので、全然 The Lo-Fiとは違うサウンドだけど、たくさんと音楽に関する価値観が共有できてるので、どんどんと今後は自分のカラーもこのバンドで発信してみようかと!



自分のバンドのThe Lo-Fiには必ず何か持ち帰ってバンドのパワーにしていきたいな。これからのツアーやレコーディングを頑張ります!

------ English ------

Wow... what a day yesterday!! Had to perform a full set with a high fever... very challenging to keep focus. Or hear things accurately.

It's surprising how hard it can get to listen "fast" or "quickly" when your sick.

Anyway, next up is a show with Land Diver.

This is a rock band that I've just joined to help out as a bass player. It's great to have so many bands out there that appreciate your sound, even if your not a native of that genre.

This is the event page for the concert coming up next week.
It's their first show in Tokyo so it should be a very special performance.

The sound is completely different from Lo-Fi, but I'm planning to inject some new approaches to their music to make it a groovy band.

Any band your in, regardless of genre or age and experience, there's always something great to learn from performing with different artists. I'm grateful for their patience and kindness...! Feels great being part of so many interesting projects. I hope I can be the same supportive roles for my band members too.

Always plan to bring back something to my band Lo-Fi.
I can wait to get our recording and tour on track too!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 16, 2013

今夜はブルースをきこう! Come join us jamming on some blues tonight!



Really great times jammin with the 3rd Street Blues Band!

the members of this band are really funky... would be amazing if we could also get Yu into the picture too! He's an awesome saxophonist.



I love the blues and can't wait for the show tonight!


here's the event details! we start at 20:30!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi

May 15, 2013

弦の張替え! restringing my bass!


The first thing I was thinking about yesterday on my way back from rehearsal was that my bass strings aren't working with my current setup. Before I didn't really care whether my strings were stainless steel or nickel. I went back to my usual set of nickel.










I even went down a size on string gauge when choosing strings.
Since I'm playing for so many bands right now including my own band The Lo-Fi (which has a lot of demand for versatility) I felt that the stainless strings were a bit too "cold" for my taste. The nickels sound so much warmer for me. Of course the type of highs your getting are really different and I'm sure people interpret this differently.

I think this is another interesting thing not just about music but life in general.

Some things that are too salty for some are just right for others. Some paintings that are beautiful for some are ugly for others. Tastes are so various that its very hard to discover something that is universal. I think some of the keys to finding something that is pleasing for many people is being able to find the similarities between different genres or mixes or wherever. Many people focus on the differences. But since there are so many variables thinking of just the differences makes everything so difficult...!

Off to a few meetings, lessons and rehearsals now!

From last nights walk with Jazz

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 13, 2013

昨日のレコーディング風景。Some photos from yesterday's recording session






The weekend was spent in the studio recording and writing songs with some band rehearsals mixed in at night.

We got back together with the team that created the Fortitude album and tried putting some ideas together for our next album. Sure we haven't event toured for the current album yet, but song writing doesn't have to wait I think.

I was honestly surprised at my own passion for creating and this endless energy I have when it comes to writing and creating. I gotta be honest... I'm deadly tired from a lot of performances and rehearsals and recording sessions I've had recently, but like my passion for teaching... when you do what you love, your energy is limitless!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今夜はLisaとライブ! Performing with Lisa tonight!




Tonight I'll be playing bass for Lisa Halim at the Daikanyama Loop! The show will be around 19:30 or so?

I can't wait to perform with her again. We did a show way back when with Lo-Fi but its been a real long time since we've shared the stage.

Anyway it's been a real long time since I've had time to sit and just chill....!!!
This is so awesome!!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 12, 2013

朝の散歩。morning walk

(English below)





-------- English --------

Out for a walk with Jazz.
even if I've only come back home for the walks we take, it's well worth my time!

I certainly would get out much less if I didn't have a dog...!

I love sunny mornings after a night of rain.

Now off to the studio to record some Lo-Fi tracks!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

リハーサル続きから、レコーディング。lots of rehearsals and recording

May 13th Mondayに代官山LoopでLisa Halimのベーシストとしてライブをします!



On May 13th at the Daikanyama Loop, I'll be playing bass for Lisa Halim! It's a really special show for me since I really like her lyrics too. Not to be biased or anything but since I help her out with some of the lyrics I guess I do have some insight into the message of her songs.



It's hard to get everything perfect with just one rehearsal but the chemistry between the performers is something that makes each live performance really special!

Really grateful to have so many opportunities these days to jam with so many great players. Hope to keep my chops up so I can play with these guys more.

これはまた別のライブに向けてのリハーサルで、自分がまた積極的に参加しているバンド、Soul Glo。バックバンドとして、色々なシンガーのバンドとして今度5/31にライブをします。

そのサポートするシンガーの1人は自分の高校の後輩、Ohga! こうやって今も付き合いがあるのはスゲー嬉しいね。

Another band I've been devoting a lot of time too was Soul Glo. We're doing a live show on the 31st of May. We're a back band for many great singers. One of them Ohga...! We go back to like high school...! Amazing that we're on the same stage now!

今日はちなみにThe Lo-Fiとか、自分の他のプロジェクトの曲のレコーディングもして、明日もまた朝はから一日レコーディング!なぜか俺のドラムをレコーディング!お楽しみに!

Today I was recording tracks for Lo-Fi and also for some of my other projects...! Here I am at the Onkio Haus again with our awesome engineer Shige!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 11, 2013

いまから打ち合わせ!Meeting time!

Grand Central Oyster Bar で、打ち合わせ!ウェディングとは嬉しいね!


In a meeting with Shinji!
Weddings are really happy parties to be part of....! I hope we get the music picked out soon...!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

May 10, 2013

睡眠不足と集中力。Sleep deprivation and concentration


This morning I got up with a mission. I was going to finish all the prepping for rehearsals this week. After spending a lot of time tweaking my sound.. I'm still not sure what pre-amp / power amp combination I should use.

shots from today's studio.

Gotta get Lo-Fi's studio schedule in order too.

So far have been spending almost everyday of the week in the studio...

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)