Apr 5, 2014

明日は久しぶりにAoさんとライブ! Show with AO tomorrow!


IMG 5379



The roads were kinda wet today but the weather wasn't that bad at all.

Still a bit cold and not weather for mesh gear yet

久しぶりに明日はAOさんとライブ!いつもLo-Fiや一緒にやってるブルースバンド Knee-draggers だけど、

今回は YAMASHITA Tatsuro のカバー。

Usually Ao and I do Lo-Fi or the Knee Draggers Blues Band together

But this time.... we're covering YAMASHITA Tatsuro!

IMG 5380

Took my carbon bass on my bike to rehearsal today.....


This week wasn't so crazy. No all-nighters and I was able to rest after my evening class today.

Look forward to a good show tomorrow!


金沢文庫のThe Road and The Skyでやります。夜の19:00ごろかな?

We're playing at The Road and The Sky in Kanazawa Bunko in Kanagawa tomorrow from 19:00

I hope the roads aren't too windy!!


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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