Aug 22, 2009

Surfers August 16th 逗子海岸レポート

On August 16th Lo-Fi went to play a gig at Zushi beach. There's a great beach house there called Surfer's. They've got great food and great music there. We had a privilege to play with really wonderful musicians there. Lo-FiKO-DAI (ex.B:BRIDGE Style) 小池龍平 Keita BRAZIL

Since it was a crowded weekend in "Obon" (a time in Japan where spirits are said to come home... where are they the rest of the time anyway?) So we had to make it through the crazy traffic. But all I can say it was really worth it!! They're open till the end of August so check 'em out if you are in the area.

8月16日は Lo-Fi が逗子海岸にある SURFER'S という海の家でライブをした。


当日は3つの出演者がいて、Lo-FiKO-DAI (ex.B:BRIDGE Style) 小池龍平 Keita BRAZIL 、すごい楽しい一日だった。

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