Feb 14, 2011

On The Rocks カメラ / Checking out some cameras at ON THE ROCKS

(English below)

On The Rocks という高輪のバーが Lo-Fi が去年クリスマスパーティをやったお気に入りのBar。ここでは本当に音が気に入っているビンテージのFender Rhodesがあって、



先日On The Rocksにまた遊びにいった時にマスターのGeorgeさんから色々熱いカメラを紹介してもらった。



実際 LogicやPro-tools等で使われているプラグイン(例えば Nomad Magnetic)でこんな事を再現するものもどんどん増えている気がする。アナログはデジタルと比較してどっちが良いという議論は意味が無いと思っているが、自分は直線上で両方の技術を感じている。デジタルが極限まで進化するとアナログになるのだと。これもバランスなのかも知れないけど、質感をコントロールできるデジタル技術が出てくるなか、質感がアナログ技術の限界の特徴によってデザインされていく感覚から解放されてデジタルの設定を変えられるアーティストがいるとまた面白いアナログとデジタルの融合ができると思う。


簡単にLo-Fiの物が好きだとよく紹介している。何がどうLo-Fiになるかがポイントだけどね! mp3の音の劣化と analog レコードに原音からなる場合に起きる劣化は全然違うからね。





The other day I went down to talk with George at Lo-Fi's favorite bar ON THE ROCKS.
We use the vintage Fender Rhodes that George has in the bar for our recordings and gigs.
We"ll use it in our upcoming gig on the 21st in Aoyama this month.
Here's a link to the details of the event http://www.lofi-net.com/concert_eng.html

George has got some really interesting cameras... while we were checking them out we started talking about analog tech and digital tech. It made me think about some interesting concepts that also translate into music.

I personally view analog and digital tech on the same plane. Where digital tech will eventually get complicated enough to feel "analog". For digital things I think simple is easier and the more advanced the tech becomes we start using processing that makes things feel analog.
For example iphone apps that replicate analog gear like this Lo-mob thing, or for music things like the Nomad Magnetic Plugin. I guess everyone is after the complicated textures that are replicated digitally.

I think art will go in an interesting direction after this stage we're in where we are just replicating vintage equipment. The vintage or analog equipment's textures are created by the physical nature or technological restrictions of that time. If we can free our minds from those natural restrictions and create a new modern retro twist to the way we use gear (I'm sure many people are already doing it) we'd have more interesting sounds in the live music performance area too!

That's where I kind of get the band name Lo-Fi from. The concept I mean.
Many things are Lo-Fidelity. But there's a definite difference between the low fidelity of an mp3 file and a analog record.

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