Apr 17, 2013

ライブ会場めぐり! Event space hunting...

(English below)











-------- English -------
I just got back from a long search of music venues in Tokyo for a fashion related event I'm help planning with some designer brands.
On my way back I was lucky enough to hear a good engine sound at the gasoline stand…!
Anyway this morning I was busy communicating with a band manager that I've recently started working with.
We've been discussing about these matters since last night. …back and forth until about noon today, so there was a lot said.
I guess I frustrated her so much that she couldn't stand it anymore. In the end I still had my gig, but reflected on a few different things I learned from this incident.
First,  that body language and your intuition they don't lie. If you feel something is up, something usually is. I don't think it's a good idea to just brush off that idea because your subconscious can do a lot more processing than we realize.
Next, that not understanding a certain culture's symbolic meanings and implications for certain actions or phrase combinations can create a lot of unwanted trouble. If you understand what certain actions can trigger in certain situations you can prevent that, but when you don't realize the outcome of actions that are "normal" to you…. well… Let's just say your dancing into a minefield without realizing it.
No matter how accustomed you get to certain groups or cultures, there are always things that you still don't understand or might overlook. I guess I need to focus harder on imagining how others might perceive certain actions or words considering their background and knowledge/experience.
Finally, it happens to all of us, but when you start feeling your busy… you start acting like your busy.
No one likes someone who is tired out of their mind or in a rush.
I hope to get more skills and better organize my day so that I don't feel so busy no matter how much pressure I'm under.
This is probably the best way to help make more people around me happier!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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