Apr 30, 2013

Lisa Halim のバンドにベースで参加! Performing with Lisa Halim on May 13th!

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さて、別のアーティストの話ですが、前にThe Lo-Fiとコラボレーションをしようと頑張っていた大好きなアーティストがいます。シンガーのLISA HALIMです!





今回は"Acoustic Soul"というイベントなので、流石にThe Lo-Fi全員では参加できないのですが、自分がベースで入ります!

05.13 MON
Acoustic Soul
  • LisaHalim
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 
ADV 2300YEN +1Drink / DOOR 2800YEN+1Drink
何か自分が特別な事をするわけでもないですが、The Lo-Fiのコラボの代わりに自分のベース参加になったので、凄く嬉しくて。
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This here is Lisa Halim! Although we tired planning a collaboration event with The Lo-Fi a couple of times… our schedules never really worked out!



But, finally I got a call a few weeks ago about doing a show together with me joining as a bassist for her acoustic performance at the Daikanyama Loop!


We just played there on the 26th with The Lo-Fi and I'm really keen on getting back on stage there! I really enjoyed the sound there.


Anyway the venue is the Daikanyama Loop


It's 2300yen for advance ticket reservations and 2800yen at the door plus a drink fee of 500 yen.


Concerts in Japan I think are pretty expensive. I wonder why they don't just try and make money off the bar, but I guess the tenant fees to keep your venue going are just so high that that would never work. It's unfortunate cause I feel less people will have the incentive to go out and see a show.

Most venues have pretty good sound, but some of the "old school" "LIVE HOUSE" venues in Tokyo still sound like they only cater punk rock and thrash metal. I hope the music industry and live music scene can make a come-back among more of the non-music business affiliated consumers as a form of entertainment.

I think the way performances are approached or how the music is mixed plays a big role in changing this outdated format of doing concerts. The more non-traditional type of venues are where I want to be playing more, but unfortunately most of the time you'd have to sacrifice the sound quality, which is also a shame.

Anyway, gotta get back to work with some meetings and teaching till midnight!

あっという間の時間! Time flies……

(English below)


今回はThe Lo-Fiではなく、自分のソロから話が始まり、サポートでNoriに参加してもらう事になった!二人でジャム曲的な事をやりながらまったりとしたステージを展開しようかと。この日のライブは友達が企画したイベントで、この写真はそのイベント企画チームの打合せの時の写真。


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千駄ヶ谷のGood Morning Cafeの隣にできたコーヒーVANで売っているオーガニックの弁当!


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On May 6th I'm going to be doing a concert. This show will be a special show not with Lo-Fi but originally solo.

I decided to invite Nori to help me with the show!

I'm really looking forward to doing some fun jamming.
I posted a photo of the meeting for the event, pictured is the event team. It's shot on-site at the venue.

The venue is a cafe/office space and it's going to be a great afternoon event to relax at.


In the afternoon I also had a chance to have a really good lunch box during a meeting.

After teaching in the morning I spent the day with CD promotion and event promotion work and was really happy to stumble upon this lunch box at a coffee van that I go to sometimes in Sendagaya.

Organic food and tasted great too!


Right now I'm up to my neck in work and don't have much time to sleep but I guess I enjoy what I do so it's all good.

Even if I were to have some time off, I know I'll just end up working since that makes me feel better!

Apr 29, 2013

終わらない仕事 Endless work





Today I spent the day running around since the early morning hours and have only enjoyed a total of a few hours of sleep for the past few days. Other than feeling like throwing up, I feel that my performance is not doing so good.

I really think doing work without pay is ridiculous. But the norm for the music industry. I guess it follows under the thinking that since you love work you'll do work for free. I wish TEPCO would be so kind and pay for my electricity bills on the same fashion.

Was out at the Superdeluxe talking about event stuff and noticed some red giraffes hanging out near Mori bldg. That's it Tokyo has been taken over my mutant monsters....

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Apr 28, 2013

ありがとう! Thank you!


The Lo-Fi stage:

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Jemstone stage:

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photo with the owners of the apparel brand I wear on stage, and the event planner


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A shot of Yosh and me with a really cool fashion blogger…..

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A shot of the sunset today…...

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Apr 25, 2013

今回のエフェクターボード The effects board for tomorrow!



I was meaning to upload this in the morning but didn't have enough time to follow up on that…. This morning again I had a balance of veggies, fruits, and eggs + natto for protein, and some bread. I do my best to keep a balanced diet, but the busier I get the less I eat healthy. It's hard to eat "out" and also eat healthy too.

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I've finally found the set-up I want to do the show tomorrow.

I've decided to go with a rig like this. From left to right it's a delay pedal, Robotalk 2 (filter), Multiband Distortion, Volume pedal/wah pedal, Pre-amp and EQ, vocal effector.


ディレイ、ロボトーク(オートフィルター)、ディストーション、ボリューム/ワウ、プリアンプ、ヴォーカルエフェクターIMG 3518

The Lo-Fi - Cubic Glass (Live in Yokohama) from Inside The Plantroom on Vimeo.


The bass is an instrument that traditionally was just a supporting role, but in my band Lo-Fi there are many scenes where the bass takes lead too. Also, even when just laying down the groove it's important to create the atmosphere of the groove with a musical effects.

The delay pedal is actually essential in the song Cubic Glass



The Lo-Fiというバンドの中では結構積極的にリードを取る事もあって、各楽器が色々な役割を果たしながら演出しているのだ。

ビデオをポストした Cubic Glass 等ではディレイとかは必須。


自分が利用しているディレイペダルは2つある。I use two delay pedals in my arsenal…. (I have the Analog man dual delay too...)

・Boss DD-20 GIGADELAY (ギガディレイ、、、凄い名前だね http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=531

・T.C. Electronics Vintage Delay (http://www.tcelectronic.com/vintage-delay/)


 Boss のギガディレイはリバース機能があるし、普通のディレイも使い易くて、外部接続のタップテンポが入力できるから便利で使っている。

正直音はあんまり好きじゃない。詳しくは説明ができないけど、音がパサパサした感じがしていまいちしっくりこないんだ。でもその点機能的には全然少ないVintage Delay (めちゃモダンなデジタルです)は音が気持ちがいい。フィルターを掛けると(フィルターボタンがついています)もっと奥に引っ込んだサウンドもディレイに掛けられる。しかし、狭いボードにVintage Delayのペダルを挟むとしょっちゅう隣のペダルを間違えて押してしまう。。。俺がドジだからです。


The Boss GIGA DELAY has a reverse delay function that's really useful. I love how it swells and sounds pretty spacey. But I guess sound wise I'd go withe the Vintage Delay from TC. It's not as useful considering the fact that the DD-20 has an option to use the pedal tap tempo with an outboard pedal. It makes the setup much easier for on the fly tempo changes. (Happens a lot in Lo-Fi)

With the Vintage Delay (I know this is just my fault, being a klutz) I end up stomping on the pedals next to my intended target. It's hard for me to aim while rapping and playing the bass….!


Another thing about the Vintage Delay that makes it hard to use is the fact that it needs 12V of power…. The DD-20 works on 9V. That's a big difference!

So just having the TC Vintage Delay in my rig makes it a pain to get power to it with just one power supply. I used to use the Voodo Labs pedal power but since The Lo-Fi played all over the world, the power has blown out for me three times and I just gave up. (Yes I was using it with the correct power setting) This was due to the outdoor venues having very unstable generators and power. Oh well if I had my own surge protector maybe I could have avoided this.

Right now my main power supply is the Guyatone http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/guyatone/ps00x/ac102 AC-102 … almost a vintage piece of equipment, but hasn't failed me since like 12+ years ago!

新しいライブメンバー a new live band member

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This week has been pretty busy, but we've been able to work on a lot of arrangements for our concert this Friday.


Almost everyday I'm going through the arrangements of these songs I know so well, but at the same time are so new to me because we have two new members that haven't been with Lo-Fi so long.


Our keyboardist for this upcoming show is Ryuchi… This will be his first full show with us and also Ryoji who's played with us a couple of times but never for a full show.


Ao and Nori have been very distinct in their styles and approach so doing the some songs with a different sound is very interesting and challenging too!


I'm still pretty bogged down with all the preparation for the show, but very excited!

Apr 22, 2013

シリアスなミーティング  some serious talk…. ;)

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前回のライブ FOREST JAMのセットリストはこんなんだった:
We Are All
Think About
Apple Tea
The World Is Yours
Carpe Diem
Make That Change

金曜日はカバー曲も入れてやるかも知れないけど、やっぱりThe Lo-Fiの曲に集中しようかな。

------------ English ---------------

We didn't get to have Ryoji on site when we did our meeting, but here's a photo of Ryuchi and Yosh and me all serious….

really concentrating on talking…...

…. but with rice crackers in our hands…! I dunno, I'm never too serious no matter what I'm doing. LOL

Her's our set list from the other day's show:
We Are All
Think About
Apple Tea
The World Is Yours
Carpe Diem
Make That Change
… we're thinking of doing something similar to this for Friday's show.
I really want to have some sections where we can jam freely and explore the music create on the spot in the moment…. Those are the moments I'm really grateful I'm a musician.

I was really planning on doing some covers this show because we had some requests from our fans, but unfortunately since we really need to develop our feel for the original songs with our new keyboardists…. dunno if we'll get a chance this time.

I promise we'll try next show!

気になっているテレビ番組 A show I've been looking forward to see!

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Anthony Bourdain "Parts Unknown"
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Anthony Bourdainがめちゃくちゃ面白いって事だけどね。

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I'm not really a TV person but there is a TV show that I've been interested in.
This program is a new program on CNN and it's with Anthony Bourdain. I've been watching his old show on another network and that was really great too.
It was themed around food and culture, but this time it seems more like it's about introducing the different cultures that normal travel shows wouldn't pick up.
I love the angle he takes on a lot of the topics and it's never boring with his "matter of fact" style of commenting and the way he introduces the cultures is pretty funny.
I know I won't have much time to check it out in real-time. Hope to get a HDD recorder or something so I can catch the show when I have time….

You know.. I gotta catch up on the MotoGP races too…. LOL

外でのデスクワーク some desk work outside….

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Today I got up and had a few errands to run around Shinagawa, and since I thought it was going to be really cold I set up my V-stream windshield for the colder weather days…. however, on my ride out to Kawaguchi before noon… There was really no need.

The wind was pretty strong today though, and that can get pretty tiring when your on the expressway for a long time or at high(er)-speeds (I won't say how fast… LOL)

After the meeting I came back to Tokyo station to have lunch with an old high school friend.

It's really interesting to catch up with old buddies, 'cause it's almost like an old perspective of where you are now. Anyway we talked about the music industry and also about international business.

I really hope to get Lo-Fi playing more in the US and Europe. We need to get this band-member thing straightened out first though.

I hope I get a run and maybe swim in before the sun sets today. Got a long night of rehearsals….! 

真冬の雨の中で、、、 In the cold "winter" rain....




The Primrose is located in the Nakadaki Art Village in Chiba. This is their homepage


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They've just renewed their venue and the interior is pretty cool. All hand made (the building too)


The stage was decorated with candles and the rain made the stage somewhat surreal.

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Of course the rain will scare off some people who don't know what to expect from out door events, but I promise those who came to hang out on the roofed deck of the Primrose restaurant had great front row seats on the new veranda. 


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…. but on the other hand… yes it was pretty cold. Cold enough for this ridiculous looking down jacket I have.

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At the end of the show we got to do some jamming with Tama and Ryan of the Shamanz! It was the first time playing together but I really loved their groove! Really punchy grooves from Tama Tsuboi! Great stuff.

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Hopefully we'll play together again soon!




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The Lo-Fi doing a quick meeting before the show...





The next show will be on the 26th in Daikanyama Loop. We're gonna have Ryoji with us for this show so get ready to rock


Apr 21, 2013

昨日のライブ写真!  Photos from our show last night!

Sound check! 


Was really cold so wore a down jacket instead of my tweed jacket…..

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The venue mascot! YAGI-san! Mukae-san rescued this stray goat lost in the forest nearby...

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Ryuchi's set up! 

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Yosh on drums

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We basically didn't do much of a "sound check" and ended up doing a lot of song arrangement checks but hey that was cool too!

Ryuchi isn't used to our style yet, but it's interesting how he approaches our songs. I'm really looking forward to more studio time with him!


Apr 20, 2013

今日はプリムローズ! Today at Primrose (Chiba)

(English Below)

今日は久しぶりにForest Jamに出演!




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今日は車がまだThe Lo-Fiはないので、ライダーでもあるAくんにドライブしてもらっています。


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九十九里の少しさきになる Nakadaki Art Villageに到着して、さっそくヤギさんにであった!


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しかも一緒に今日出演する Shamanzがトリオとして!最高。。。!


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----------- English -------------

We haven't played at the Forest Jam for a while now, but it's a privilege to play today at the Primrose restaurant renewal show!

Today we had someone drive us to the show since we don't have the van anymore and the driver happens to be a rider too! He rides off road motorcycles but regardless of genre it's always fun talking about bikes.

It's a bit rainy but it was great to meet the goat that lives on the venue again! She's fatter and even more stubborn than before… LOL

Here's a photo of her head-butting the organizer of today's show….

We did a sound check and short rehearsal, and next is a photo of the band we're playing with today.

They're called the Shamanz, but today they're playing as a trio without bass.

They sound great!!! Can't wait for the show tonight!

Apr 19, 2013

季節の変わり目 Seasons

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Today I was surprised about how cold it was outside this morning.

When seasons change the weather is really unpredictable and you don't know if your going to get Spring/Winter/Summer weather these days.

I feel that the wind is really strong and dynamic these past few years…. 


Last night we had another band meeting till late and I felt how it was very important to have people you can really talk to. I mean not just talk to for affirmation or understanding, but people you can collide with sometimes in a debate but still have a mutual trust for each other.


I feel that having the environment to be able to do that with others really let's you accept yourself and others for who they are, without judgement that may lead to "liking" or "disliking". If you love someone in the broad sense of the word, it shouldn't matter what they say to do as long as they come back to a place of common ground again. We all have our rough patches in relationships and hopefully this experience strengthens the trust of the relationship!


On my way back I saw this sign on the street in Kanji saying that this is the location of a fatal accident.

They put these signs up to scare people into driving safer. (I don't' think it's very effective)

It got me thinking about how grateful I was to be able to go on in life experiencing all these different emotions and learning so many new things day after day. The challenges that we face are such great opportunities and a blessing!


Well, got to get to another meeting with some singers and MCs for an upcoming show!

Apr 18, 2013

昔の職場の先輩… a surprise encounter!

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ちゃんと覚えてていたので良かったぁ。。。覚えていないと凄い気まずいランチを先輩が味わう事になるからね! 笑











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Today when I was working in a cafe, I noticed someone familiar sit in the seat in front of me.

I recognized the person, but a name didn't pop into my head… hmmm


Now I wondered if I should try talking to this person I recognize from my old workplace because we did talk, but not that much and so it was a risk, but I decided to chat anyway….


Luckily he also recognized me even after I grew my hair long, lost weight and was dressed in motorcycle gear.


We talked about a lot of things.

About our dreams and goals for this year.

It was fun to talk so passionately about something even when you barely know someone.


I guess the fact that he heard about the rumors that I left the company to become a musician was interesting for him and he remembered me.


I got a lot of inspiration listening to and sharing some goals we had for this year.


Now I'm all pumped up and ready to tackle the rest of the day! So happy for this surprise encounter with my past….!

Forest Jamの準備 Preparing for the Forest Jam show

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今週の土曜日のライブは Ryuchi くんをキーボードに入れて初めてのThe Lo-Fiとしてのライブだ。







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This is a photo of some of the gear we bring to rehearsal.. .covered in sweat!

Yesterday we had a rehearsal but Ryoji and Ryuchi (keyboards) couldn't make the practice so Yosh and I ended up doing a rehearsal just the two of us.

It's been a long time since we did a full set rehearsal with just bass and drums.

I must say that it was a very different experience now.

Both of us are much better players and we know all the songs much better… everything was how we wanted it to be, but something wasn't really right.


I guess it's really obvious but without the other instruments in the mix, there's always going to be something missing musically.


I started arranging different chord/melody line phrases on the bass to accompany the usual bass lines, but that wasn't really what I needed to do.


Arranging instruments in music is a lot like interior design, where it's important how you use the available space. You can't just focus on each object in the room and expect it to somehow fit when everything is lined up together.


You need to anticipate the balance of each musical instrument or part in the mix. This rehearsal was a very good way to kind of practice with that virtual instrument in your head, so you know exactly what you want to accompany the drum and bass in the music.


This weekend on the 20th of April Saturday, we're playing at the Nakadaki Art Village restaurant "Primrose" with Ryuchi. We're playing a full Lo-Fi set together for the first time!

I can't wait to see the chemistry of playing together live for the first time!

Here's more information on the performance:



Apr 17, 2013

ライブ会場めぐり! Event space hunting...

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I just got back from a long search of music venues in Tokyo for a fashion related event I'm help planning with some designer brands.
On my way back I was lucky enough to hear a good engine sound at the gasoline stand…!
Anyway this morning I was busy communicating with a band manager that I've recently started working with.
We've been discussing about these matters since last night. …back and forth until about noon today, so there was a lot said.
I guess I frustrated her so much that she couldn't stand it anymore. In the end I still had my gig, but reflected on a few different things I learned from this incident.
First,  that body language and your intuition they don't lie. If you feel something is up, something usually is. I don't think it's a good idea to just brush off that idea because your subconscious can do a lot more processing than we realize.
Next, that not understanding a certain culture's symbolic meanings and implications for certain actions or phrase combinations can create a lot of unwanted trouble. If you understand what certain actions can trigger in certain situations you can prevent that, but when you don't realize the outcome of actions that are "normal" to you…. well… Let's just say your dancing into a minefield without realizing it.
No matter how accustomed you get to certain groups or cultures, there are always things that you still don't understand or might overlook. I guess I need to focus harder on imagining how others might perceive certain actions or words considering their background and knowledge/experience.
Finally, it happens to all of us, but when you start feeling your busy… you start acting like your busy.
No one likes someone who is tired out of their mind or in a rush.
I hope to get more skills and better organize my day so that I don't feel so busy no matter how much pressure I'm under.
This is probably the best way to help make more people around me happier!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

やっぱり寝れないなぁ、、、 can't get to sleep

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This whole day has been a blur. After getting up this morning turning on the news, it didn't feel good hearing about the bombs going off and deaths in Boston.

That made me think about all the other news reports I hear about even more people dying at the same time in other countries and felt that when it happens in your own country or country that you've grown up in… things are much more personal and shocking. I'd have to say that "scary" is also something that I feel when things like this happen so close to home.

What in the world can we do about this endless killing of each other.

It's crazy to think about how people kill not just for food or to survive a threat on their own life.

I am an artist and teacher believing that one day the people I come in contact with will be a little bit happier with what I was able to share with them. It might be artistic inspiration or some skill or technique I've taught them. I want to be part of changing the world for the better not only through policies and military force, but through inspiring people's minds. That's why I play and create and teach.


To be honest thought sometimes, I watch the news and am devastated at all the death and destruction we are causing on each other.


It hurts like hell.



I start wondering… am I really doing any good at all?


I'm constantly reminded about the people who are around me,

…sometimes of people who aren't with us anymore…..

everyone who is trying their best to make things better. I can't let my insecurity get me down, because I still have a shot at helping even in the smallest way.


I hope to do my best to change this sad energy into something good.


……..My dog is always reminding me about positive thinking :)

Apr 16, 2013

おやすみなさい! GOOD NIGHT!

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その後はThe Lo-Fiのリハーサルとミーティング。




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Today I got up as usual and had breakfast, of course I had some coffee with coffee ground in my favorite coffee grinder… ;)

Then off to the studio. Today I worked with a rock band Land Diver, and yesterday I was at an open mic organized by a friend in Ikebukuro.

After that I taught two lessons and did some web related work. Now I think I'll be off to bed. A little bit more tired than I'd like….

Tomorrow I'm going to go venue hunting for a regular fashion related event I'm planning.

After that we're going to have The Lo-Fi rehearsal and also a meeting afterwards.

A bit too busy right now for my liking, but I'm sure I'll get through this.