Feb 21, 2013

自分の気に入っているアーティスト、リチャード・ボナ。 About an artist I really like… Richard Bona










I posted a video of Richard Bona playing with Bobby Mcferrin. Really awesome performance between the two.

Richard Bona is one of my favorite artists and he's got an approach to music that I really like. He's playing lead at times and sometimes backing his voice with the bass. Some of the harmony that he does with the bass and voice is also intriguing!

There are countless artists that I've been influenced by, and even now I keep meeting amazing musicians that blow my mind. I'd love to have more time to play with more and more musicians. For some reason the older I get the harder it is to find opportunities to just jam and musically communicate with all kinds of musicians. Agents and companies and copyrights get in the way of playing with someone, or arranging someones tune for a live performance….. I dunno maybe I just didn't reach those boundaries when I was a younger musician.

In Japan especially music is not about sound, but is only fashion. At least for a large majority of the public here. If you think otherwise, trust me you are the minority! The music that you listen to has to be like the fashion that you wear and it's part of your package to look cool or attractive. Sometimes music is a tool so groups of people can agree on liking the same artists and share a group bonding feeling. So sometimes I hear from my students that they might not like a particular artist, but they would learn their songs so that they can sing them in Karaoke and get group acceptance among their peers.

Very interesting…. but I think it defeats the purpose of getting accepted. I mean, your getting accepted because your following along and it has nothing to do with who you are. Maybe the lack of self-identity or the lack of public acceptance to expressing who you are is leading to such an amazingly high suicide-rate in Japan? and also a dwindling music economy. (In terms of variety especially)

Well I hope to introduce more music I like in the future!

Time for a good jog!

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