Feb 11, 2013

今日もいい天気!だから、パンケーキ。Pancakes, sunny skies, and motorcycles...





ちょっと前に頼んでたタイヤも交換だったから。とんでもない金額になってしまった。今月末は激務の仕事が入ってて良かった。と変に支払い額をみて、カレンダーを見てホッとしたり 笑


タイヤの入荷の電話は完全に忘れたれてたけど、、、ま、頑張って作業を直ぐにやってくれたので、No problemでした。

Today I made pancakes from being in such a good mood relieved to be back from my long trip. It's been a week since I last rode my 1098S... missed it a lot! So I rode it hard this morning and dropped by one of my favorite shops in Shibuya, the Moto Corse shop.

We were talking while they were changing my tires and I found out I got less than 1mm left on by brake pads... So sad! More money out the door...

Grateful that I've got lots of work toward the end of the month to help pay for my motorcycling life!!
Hope I get booked for a few more shows next month. Hmm I haven't worked as a live guitarist for ages... oh well I love playin the bass!

Work hard, ride hard, and life is great.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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