Feb 7, 2013

意外とタイヤが、、、 Flat? tire tread



俺の使っているタイヤはPirelliのスポーツよりのタイヤのグレード低めの Rosso II というのを履いている。タイヤも色々なメイカーで色々な特徴があって、選び方には迷うね。いつも店に相談してる。

Ducati Tokyo Ohtaではかなり親切にチューニングも含めて相談に乗ってくれるメカニックもしてる?担当者がいます!たまに大田のブログを更新してる原田さんという方なので、是非Ducatiの大田の店にいくなら彼に相談するといいですよ!





If you take a look at the photo of my tires you can almost see that the treading wear is a little flat...? I don't usually get this kind of wear riding in Tokyo, so it was a little surprising to see.

I use Pirelli Rosso II tires on the Monster and am pretty happy with the way it handles. Always need to put wear and grip in the balance with how your planning to ride. Naturally on the Superbike 1098s I wear a more sports orientated tire.

I always discuss my questions about the bike to my favorite mechanic who works at the Ducati Tokyo Ohta shop! Harada is his name, really cool guy. Ask him about stuff and he'll be happy to help with a perspective of a serious sports rider.

Getting your license in Japan is tough, but with all the places to ride and great A class roads everywhere it's well worth the effort!

Ducati... cafe LOL

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

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