Feb 24, 2013

昨日は久しぶりに千駄ヶ谷のSAMUDRAへ! It's been a while but I visited Samudra again!


IMG 2825

運動をしてからはレッスンが沢山あったのだけど、今はレッスンも終ってからオイル交換でDucati Tokyo Ohtaへ。。。。

It's been while but my "daughter" Jazz is back and I'm taking care of her for a while!

She's really great fun to have around! This morning I went out for walk and then off to teach lessons.

Right now I'm at Ducati Tokyo Ohta doing an oil change and working.




先日は前に沢山お世話になったSAMUDRA SURFSHOP/Good Morning Cafeに遊びに。


今回はThe Lo-Fiの出演の話でいろいろと打合せしました。 


Here's a photo I took at Samudra a place I hang out at next to the Good Morning Cafe. We did meetings here before but today I came to talk about a Lo-Fi performance!


IMG 2806

となりで打合せもたまにするGood Morning Cafeもかなりおすすめの場所です。




ちなみに、、、ここは veggie burgerもあります!!!


The Good Morning Cafe is a really cool place to chill. Please check it out if you have a chance!

p.s. they've got veggie burgers too!!




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