Feb 8, 2013

機材の紹介パート2 introducing some of my gear part II




IMG 2218


自分が使っているモデルは epifaniというNYCのブランドのメーカーで、 http://www.epifani.com/products/UL_502.php すでに廃盤になっている2チャンネルのアンプ。


キャビネットはUltra Light Seriesの12インチx2つスピーカーのキャビネットを使っている。もちろん20kgぐらいの本気キャビにくらべて低音はでないけど、この軽さに対して十分LOWが出ていると思う。
小さいステージなら十分ステージで聞ける。この前 Motion Blueのステージで演奏した時は少しステージのサイズに対してパワーが足りない気もしたかな。

ライブによって持ち込んだり持ち込まなかったりするのが DI. ディレクトボックスで、これはラインで直接ミキサーに音を送るために使う機会。
実は epifaniのアンプの裏には直接接続できる端子もついていて、アンプのEQ後のDIへ送れるからすごく便利。

次回は RED DIという自分のマニアックなDIの紹介でもしようかな、、、



So here's part II of the gear introduction for our band.

I wanted to introduce my amp, also from NY. A brand called epifani. The model I use isn't on their homepage anymore, but it looks like it's still in the archives.

A bit on the heavy side but having  2channels is useful when playing leads on the bass too. You've got to have a completely different sound to be playing the bass lines one part of the song and then the leads in the next. Well I guess that's debatable, but that's how I do it. Yes, it's a bit of cheating but rapping and playing bass at the same time while going in and out of jams with the band requires some simplifications.


Anyway this amp has a really thick low-end that I like. It compliments the Lo-Fi band sound and it doesn't lack the highs too when you have the right cabinet.

Which brings us to the cab I use: the UL with 2x12inch speakers. Not a huge sound like the 20kg + serious cabs, but good enough for most of the shows and gigs I do in Japan.
Unfortunately on a larger stage like the Motion Blue or club Asia, or O-West… I've felt that I need a lot of my bass sound pumped through the speakers to really be able to hear myself
with no problem.

I also have a DI that I might introduce next time… the RED DI. 

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