Feb 28, 2013

おはよう!朝の散歩と、夜のジョギング。Good morning! The morning walk and the jog at night





After finishing up some work I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to go for a run. Yeah it was pretty late but I had to go. Not exercising just makes me feel so stressed!

This morning I also went for a refreshing walk pretty early in the morning with Jazz. It's great to have an excuse to go out for a walk two three times a day.

Hope you all have a great day.
Later tonight I'm planning to prepare for two rehearsals coming up tomorrow.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Feb 27, 2013

家に戻ってこれからまた譜面起こし! Back home… ready to write out some sheet music…!



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今は色々なバンドのサポートの仕事もしているが、やっぱりメインのThe Lo-Fiのライブはファンの思いも沢山聴いてきているのでなんか凄い気合いが入る。4月26日のライブの打合せもして、かなり共演バンドのリーダーからパワーを貰いました。





Here's a random photo I took on my way back after finishing up with all my lessons and a meeting for the event coming up on the 26th of April.

This show is going to be really really cool!

I'm really looking forward to this show because after talking with the band leader of the band we're going to play with… I got a really great feeling about the vibe for the show.

It's great to talk with people that give you good energy.

I gotta do some chart writing now, but I hope to put more thought into the show that's coming up.

I can't wait to rehearse with some special guests we're going to have in our band on the 26th!

More details soon!

雨の日。Rainy days






Today, we've got rainy weather in Tokyo.

It's cold and windy... add some rain and you've got miserable urban weather.

But I like the rain.
The rain changes the textures and colors of the world.

Here's a photo of some tile textures I noticed because of the rain.

I hope everyone enjoys their day!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今夜はRoy Hargrove! saw Roy Hargove at the Blue Note tonight!




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いつもBlue Noteでまっていると番号を呼ばれる頃には一番後ろの席しか空いていない。。。皆は何時からライブを待っているんだろう。



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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Hargrove もし興味があれば!


Today I had a great time at the Blue Note. Watched Roy Hargove! RH Factor….!

It was a great show and I got home to start practicing,….. but discovered Jazz sleeping on the sofa.

Maybe I should relax tonite and follow Jazz's lead.


Great show anyway… I hope a lot of people get to see tha show!

Feb 26, 2013

おはよう!今日も朝からレッスン、夜は自分の時間か? Good morning! Started the day with lessons, maybe some private time in the evening







Starting the day with a good meal is really important.

No food -> no will

But I think that from what I've learned WHERE you get the calories for your day and the timing you get them is really important.

So why this picture of unhealthy bacon?!? Well just a reminder that we all need some enjoyment in what we eat. Not just variation for health reasons but for mental enjoyment of food.

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Anyway here's another example. One of my favorite… chocolate cake!
I think the point here is that this is only 1/3 of the large slice of cake that I originally bought from the store.
I didn't go for it in one go….! One cake-> three times the joy …. LOL 


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なんといってもレースのフェアリング/カウルがいいね。タイヤもサーキット?で走った感じで解けているSuper Corsaを履いていた。






In the afternoon yesterday I needed to pick some stuff up from a friend so I dropped by Ebisu.

There I was able to see another  1098! Awesome custom parts and great fairing art work. Race style…!

Anyway looking forward to enjoying the great weather today!

Hope to hit the sack early tonight…!



いいなと思う物。Things I like





Checked out a small mug at Tully's when I was buying coffee.
Found a really cool mug. Didn't expect to find something like this here.

I think that things with this analog touch are really cool.
The analog is being replaced by the digital, but this handmade feel helps you appreciate the complexity of something that is analog.

Anyway.. had another great day!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Feb 25, 2013

おはよう!今日も晴れで。Good morning! another sunny day in Tokyo






Today I was out walking Jazz in the park nearby. The weather is great but it's so cold the ground is frozen...!

I love winter because the air is so clean and the sky so clear...

I hope everyone could get the chance to go for walks like these... or even a jog!

I think about this as I go to teach. Lets just say the commute is packed with angry people.. No one has enough time.

I just hope everyone is busy making their dreams come true!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Feb 24, 2013

今日は友達のライブを、、、! Went to see my friend perform tonight!


Wood Solid Dance Jamという面白い名前のグループで、サイト:





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Tonight I went out to check out my friend's band.

Although the website doesn't feature keyboards, my buddy's a keyboardist… and a damn good one too!

Felt really inspired so here I am back home working on my chops…!

So… good night!

昨日は久しぶりに千駄ヶ谷のSAMUDRAへ! It's been a while but I visited Samudra again!


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運動をしてからはレッスンが沢山あったのだけど、今はレッスンも終ってからオイル交換でDucati Tokyo Ohtaへ。。。。

It's been while but my "daughter" Jazz is back and I'm taking care of her for a while!

She's really great fun to have around! This morning I went out for walk and then off to teach lessons.

Right now I'm at Ducati Tokyo Ohta doing an oil change and working.




先日は前に沢山お世話になったSAMUDRA SURFSHOP/Good Morning Cafeに遊びに。


今回はThe Lo-Fiの出演の話でいろいろと打合せしました。 


Here's a photo I took at Samudra a place I hang out at next to the Good Morning Cafe. We did meetings here before but today I came to talk about a Lo-Fi performance!


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となりで打合せもたまにするGood Morning Cafeもかなりおすすめの場所です。




ちなみに、、、ここは veggie burgerもあります!!!


The Good Morning Cafe is a really cool place to chill. Please check it out if you have a chance!

p.s. they've got veggie burgers too!!




Feb 23, 2013

朝練→サス調整→ランニング Morning practice -> Suspension adjustment -> jogging




This morning I woke up and went straight to my bass. I'm really keen about working on muscle endurance. I'm working on some new songs, they are instrumentals…. that means I'm playing a lot more bass than when I'm playing behind singers or other bands. Although I must admit it doesn't feel any different in my mind, but physical I just play less notes.

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BTW this is the metronome app that I use.

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朝の練習が終ったら、環八添いにある UNO PER UNO http://www.carrozzeriajapan.co.jp/unoperuno.htm で自分の1098Sのサスペンションを見てもらい、サスペンションに関する講習会をして頂きました。2000円の参加料だけど、この2000円はそこでサスペンションの作業を依頼するとその2000円は還元してくれる、、、というスタイルです。

サンプルのリア TTX サスのダンパー設定を変更する感じも体験できたし、右の写真のピストンの穴や「パネ」となるウァッシャー見たいな金属のプレートも見れた。


After the morning practice I went out to the OHLINS dealer in the Setagaya area to attend their seminar.

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above is the a photo of the speaker demonstrating the compression and rebound settings.

on the right are photos of the damper piston and the spring disks to adjust the flow of the oil


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Here's a photo of us together measuring the sag on the suspension.



前にMoto corse渋谷でメンテナンスしてもらった時にはスタッフが非常に熱心でいろいろな変な質問をしても親切に対応してもらえたのが記憶に残っている。タイヤ交換も確かに工賃が他よりも若干高かったが、ガラス張りのガレージで作業してくれて作業が見えるところでも本当に丁寧に作業してくれてた。






After all the talks and the explanations my impression…. The staff at this place are really tired! I mean they were nice and all… but so uninterested in talking with you… that I just thought maybe I should take myself somewhere else.

I'd recommend overhauling your suspension over at Moto Corse in Shibuya or at the Ducati Tokyo Ohta where I can talk to some great staff who are always willing to help you out.

Feb 22, 2013

譜面のアプリ! My fav score sheet music app!



"iReal b"



さて!これからは Lo-Fiの曲を、、、、!!

Right now I'm busy rewriting the chord sheets for a band I rehearsed with this afternoon. I use a software app called "iReal b" for the iPhone and iPad.


This is the link for the Japan iTunes Store so if your out of Japan you might have to search for the app!

This app is great for transposing and there's also a fake book that you can download with the app too.

I hope I can share the news about this band I'm helping out soon! We're still in the process of writing new songs.

Now to work on some Lo-Fi songs….

おはよう! Good morning!!


今日はなんとなく気分でpoached eggを作ってみた!これは日本語の言い方がよくわからなかった。。。




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Good morning everyone! Today I prepared my usual breakfast of fruits and vegetables, but today I made some poached eggs too.
I wasn't sure how to write it in Japanese so I just posted a wiki link to "poached eggs"…  so many ways to make it up I just drop the egg in simmering water. Seems good enough for me.
It was about to be a great morning but I happened to hear horrible news from LA on TV… wow… honestly made me sick.

So decided to end this morning's post with this:


I found on CNN instead of the sickening LA water tank incident….

I think interesting advances in technology will be more about the interface with humans more than the computer processing power itself (although of course this is growing at a surprising speed and I think will keep growing...)



Feb 21, 2013

自分の気に入っているアーティスト、リチャード・ボナ。 About an artist I really like… Richard Bona










I posted a video of Richard Bona playing with Bobby Mcferrin. Really awesome performance between the two.

Richard Bona is one of my favorite artists and he's got an approach to music that I really like. He's playing lead at times and sometimes backing his voice with the bass. Some of the harmony that he does with the bass and voice is also intriguing!

There are countless artists that I've been influenced by, and even now I keep meeting amazing musicians that blow my mind. I'd love to have more time to play with more and more musicians. For some reason the older I get the harder it is to find opportunities to just jam and musically communicate with all kinds of musicians. Agents and companies and copyrights get in the way of playing with someone, or arranging someones tune for a live performance….. I dunno maybe I just didn't reach those boundaries when I was a younger musician.

In Japan especially music is not about sound, but is only fashion. At least for a large majority of the public here. If you think otherwise, trust me you are the minority! The music that you listen to has to be like the fashion that you wear and it's part of your package to look cool or attractive. Sometimes music is a tool so groups of people can agree on liking the same artists and share a group bonding feeling. So sometimes I hear from my students that they might not like a particular artist, but they would learn their songs so that they can sing them in Karaoke and get group acceptance among their peers.

Very interesting…. but I think it defeats the purpose of getting accepted. I mean, your getting accepted because your following along and it has nothing to do with who you are. Maybe the lack of self-identity or the lack of public acceptance to expressing who you are is leading to such an amazingly high suicide-rate in Japan? and also a dwindling music economy. (In terms of variety especially)

Well I hope to introduce more music I like in the future!

Time for a good jog!

ラッキーナンバー! Lucky number!


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欠かさず自分がチェックしているサイトはこちら: http://www.motogp.com






こんな感じのパーツです:NewImage NewImage






Today I arrived at work to find my lucky parking space open! LOL

Yes, this year Rossi is back at Yamaha and I hope I get to see him on the podium again.

Here's the site that I'm always checking to make sure I know the latest from MOTOGP   http://www.motogp.com

I have no idea if they're true but I've heard rumors that Ducati might pull out of MOTOGP? I can't imagine that happening...

Anyway today I had a pretty crazy incident during my commute.
I was trying to get around a taxi that ran a red light into the intersection… but the taxi slammed the brakes because it was about to run over a pedestrian… blocking the entire intersection.

I braked at the last moment as a scooter who was aiming for the exact same space behind the taxi almost swerved into me as another van tried to get through the exact same space. The van was going head on into oncoming traffic in the opposite lane so right after I let the scooter pass the van hit my right mirror as it pushed me toward the taxi. When I braked for the scooter my rear wheel was in the air...

It freaks me out to think of different circumstances where I might have been on another bike like my Monster. Maybe the braking wouldn't have been quick enough and I might have locked handlebars with the scooter that tried to pass me and I might have ended up under that van who was trying to pass the scooter…..

That made me consider I might be interested in checking out the rizoma bar ends that help out from accidental brake lock due to locking handle bars with other bikes.


Anyway staying focused on safe riding and safe passage through traffic is really important. I hope this experience helps me get through other dangerous ones I might encounter in the future.

Anyway, on my way home to teach another lesson and get on to arranging some songs!

おはよう!朝練!と昨日を振り返る。Looking back at yesterday night... Morning training!

今日の朝の飲み物は友達のパリ旅行のギフトでもらった、HediardのEarl Grey。自分は紅茶ならアールグレイがかなり好き。昔はミルク入れること多々あったが、最近はストレートで飲むのが一番美味しく感じる。




Earl Grey is my favorite tea these days. I used to enjoy it with milk... but now I love it straight. I've been thinking this morning about the keyboardist I met last night. It was cool chatting about music with a different approach than my usual layer back stance.

I tried some different training this morning to push myself to get more power into my playing... I can't explain this very well but I think I was able to get in touch with a playing style I've been away from for a while!

Look forward to performing this live soon!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今夜は友達と一緒に気に入っているカフェで、、、 Hanging out at my favorite cafe talking about music!

今日は大好きな Fire King Cafe で友達と一緒に今度ライブを協力し合う話を。。。

話す場所は代々木上原のカフェ FIRE KING CAFE












Tonight I had a great time with friends at my favorite cafe in Tokyo.

With my friends we talked about doing a show together http://www.live-loop.com/

This is the venue we are going to do our concert at!


Please drop by to see our show with a very interesting guest member in our band!

We'll update you the details soon!

Feb 20, 2013

クリア! & おはようございます! Reached a milestone… & Good morning!

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そう、、、! 今日の朝起きて最近リリースしたLo-Fiの新しいビデオの Departure










Thanks to everyone that helped spread the word for our new music video! We've reached over 1000 views for this video and hope to get the word out to as many people as possible! Please let the world know about the song! We'd really appreciate a shout out to your friends and community about our new album and this video. If you've got a blog please embed the video if you like it. It would mean a lot to us.

So today I've got a full day of teaching ahead of me. The photo above is my coffee fuel for the day. I wonder what everyone else's drink in the morning is. Everyone's got their favorite drink right? I'm an addict to routine. I can't stop drinking this caffeine pumped milk…!

Anyway looking forward to preparing our next video too!

Feb 19, 2013

パート3機材の紹介! Introducing some of my gear! Part 3





今回はボードの中央にある、青いエフェクターを紹介。それは soundbloxという会社のmultiwave bass distortion



日本では http://www.musicland.co.jp/shop/itemdetail/store/78224/82786/140/6458/ ここで紹介。



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IMG 2787このエフェクターがディストーションです。







Here's some photos of my effector board that I use with The Lo-Fi. Today I decided to introduce the soundblox pro Bass multiwave distortion pedal. This is a multi-band distortion pedal that allows you to control the EQ of each frequency that's available on the pedal. Very versatile and practical considering the different requirements of lead playing and normal (? what is that) bass playing.

It's got 6 banks of sounds you can set into the memory, but you can only switch through 3 at once. Theres a small little black button on the left of the led eq panel that's center in the photo. It's not really in a useful position to switch during songs, but it's quick enough to make a switch between songs.

It's got an input for an outboard expression pedal too. One thing that makes this pedal very practical is all the controls that it has. If you want a particular sound, all you need to do is dial it in and you've got about 3-4 types of distortion pedals in one box. It is pretty big though if all you want is something is pretty simple.

I never use more than 3 sounds in my shows though. At least for what I'm doing now.

Anyway I thought it might be interesting to know about some of the gear I use when I'm playing live, so when you hear that particular sound.. you might go "ahh.. that must be…" LOL… maybe.

Anyway please look forward to another article about gear again soon! 

The Lo-Fi ホームページの更新。The Lo-Fi Homepage update




このサイトには結局FacebookのThe Lo-Fiページが英語中心なので、日本語中心にしました。






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朝は散歩を少ししながわ、お気に入りのDean & Delucaのラテを。ここのエスプレッソの味は結構濃くておいしい。。。


Spent some time this morning updating links on the web to the new website for Lo-Fi http://www.lofi-net.com/

I spent quite bit of time studying some other homepages that might give me good ideas for my own website.

Since the Lo-Fi Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LOFI.SOUL is mostly in English I decided to make the Lo-Fi page in Japanese and have English captions below the Japanese.

I hope I can get the right information on to the site. As in the most relevant information for people interested in the band.

We are definitely going to prepare more videos for our site.

Anyway I'm out for a short walk also to pick up my favorite Latte from Dean & Deluca.

Hope it doesn't snow too much tonight, gotta go teach till late!

Feb 18, 2013

今夜はイズリールのパーティにいきました! Was at the IZREEL party!


IZREELの高倉さんには前にThe Lo-Fiのライブの時にスタイリングして頂きまして、本当におせわになっています!




会場には前にNujabesのトリビュートイベントでThe Lo-Fiと共演したHydeoutの宇山さん達がパフォーマンスを!


Tonight I went to say hi to Takakura-San of the IZREEL brand! They did the styling for The Lo-Fi before and hope to work together again this year!!

At the venue we were able to meet up and chat with the DJs of Hydeout Productions! Uyama-San was really fun to talk to! I hope we can collaborate this year like when we did the Nujabes tribute concert.

good night y'all!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今日の朝ご飯、、、雨のなか教員室に来たが、、、 A great breakfast... but as I get to the teacher's office on this rainy day....


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朝からこんなに食うやつはいるのか?! ま、最近は毎日走っているからこれでも足りないけどね。昼にはバナナとか納豆をよく食べて、自分の気まぐれサンドも一緒に食べたり、、、



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Had a really good breakfast and was luck enough to have some really good tasting fruits to start the day.

I feel that my breakfast is pretty huge…. but a friend pointed out to me the other day that my breakfast photos gave the impression that I have light breakfasts.

…for real??? I run everyday so this can't be a small breakfast.. oh well.

Anyway this morning and yesterday lat into the night, I've been working on the Lo-Fi homage (linked above) and I had a hard time getting up this morning to come to teach at school… But to my surprise… there were no classes for today. Wha…?

Oh well booking errors happen all the time.. better make the best of it!

I guess I'll work out and practice today!


Feb 17, 2013

今日は友達に誘われて、ライブを見に! Came to check out a show tonight in Koenji


ここの店は昔 The Lo-Fi と Tayutaと一緒にライブをやったことがあるんだ!懐かしいな、、、、



Today I came out to Rakuya. A friend invited me to a show in Koenji tonight. It's a Motown cover band... I look forward to hearing some familiar tunes!!!

I remember when Lo-Fi played here with Tayuta. It's such a tiny place... it was a crazy fun gig!

Nice bar too...

直島で訪れたカフェ A cafe I visited in Naoshima



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cin.na.mon http://www.cin-na-mon.jp/




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I wanted to introduce a cafe that I visited while I was in Naoshima in Kagawa prefecture.
I went there on my motorcycle so I didn't get to try out any of the local drinks but thought it'd be a pretty cool place to hang out and drink.

The local stores close pretty early so there's only one store that's actually open until pretty late (a darts bar that I can't recall...)

This store called cin.na.mon is a B&B too. Here's the link to their site:


Maybe I'll have more time next time to check out the other smaller galleries nearby next time.